The Crying Mother
The crying mother is described as the dark sister of the stream by alchemists. Unlike stream it forces its way in to the mind and whispers horrible things; Exposing the darkest thoughs of the ones subjected to it. It's existance also allowed Alchemy to be much stronger in its general area, like gravity being higher at some places in the world.
It is commonly believed that if someone is afflicted to it, it's effects amplify.
The area called Divide, between Barq'alla and the constructed canyon surrounding it is where the effects of Crying mother is the most noticable. Divide worked as the best place to study the effects of it.
''A mother lost her children. Her sorrow was so deep that it reshaped the land around, sharing its pain like floods sweeping the hearts of all living. It attracted evil things and they formed a city of endless sorrow. It became a Solid Sorrow... Barq'alla, where everything swept into the echoing cries of the mother and forever lived there.''
Crying mother was a myth about the occurence of the prison city of Barq'alla. It is such a strong and persistent effect that, once you approach to Barq'alla, people would feel it. Making them uneasy and saddened. Animals and humans avoids that general area, because that they can be attracted to it and enter the city of Barq'alla which is presumed one could never leave once entered.
Historical Basis
After the Throne fell and Royal Proteans were almost extincted, the chief who was pregnant run to the north, in a cave under a black star with the help of the witch and the first follower. They knew that her baby was the future of their specie. Yet once he was still-born, all of this hope, turn into a deep sorrow and chief cried for 9 years in the cave under a black star. The residue from this feeling created the effect itself and later they amplified the effect to create Barq'alla which her cries echoed through its walls and beyond.
Barq'alla became a pocket universe which they sweared to throw who is responsible about the fall of the Throne, so they could experience the sorrow they felt.
It is strongly believed in the North. Most of the Naishan's were afraid of it except Nathain's and members of Naisha Alchemy Academy. Freemasters and alchemists very commonly visited its plains to study its effects. Void walkers, Pillars and Void Masters would evade it.
Westerners and Gracinans were extremely afraid from it and avoided it. Except some Shamans who tried to learn things from it.
Beyond, it was different perceptions. Most who didn't experienced themselves would underestimate it. Grandmasters, Earthdancers and Firedancers saw it as a challenge which build character.
Nomads and Proteans known to visit to pay their respects to the mother who lost her children.
Variations & Mutation
Cursed Sorrow: Called by Xeanites who would avoid it. They told it to stop others from visiting it.
Purest Test: Called by Grandmasters, Firedancers and earth walkers. They believed that effect to be the purest, most important test one could ever take.
Cultural Reception
The words Barq'alla and Crying mother is forbidden to be said in most of Naisha, Gracina and in Western states.
In the rest of the world it isn't forbidden but considered in bad taste to talk about it.
Alchemists, Masters and Dancers utter the words but mostly in private meetings and if their works have something to do with it.
In Literature
There are some books from Drina, Naisha, North Afrika and Western states about the subject. But most of them caused controversy and were banned from general public.
In Art
It is among the greatest common taboos to refrain from making art depicting of the myth and the location.
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