Limo/Hummingbeast Species in Drimore | World Anvil


If you want to find a creature that is sweet all the way around look no further! The Limo is one of the sweetest things you will find in the jungle. Seriously, their tendril like tongues near the sides of their mouth is the sweetest smelling thing. They use this special ability to attract small prey for food. Limos also will eat sweet smelling flowers and juicy sweet fruit to help fuel a special digestive tract in their bodies, this will produce a special type of saliva that they use to catch prey. Their teeth are great at breaking open hard fruits and chewing meat. A male and female Limo can be distinguished from the size of their horns. Male Limos will often have larger horns than a female one.   A Limo will mate like any other lizard. They will often lay 15 to 20 eggs. Although they don’t all stay together. They will usually split their pack to cover a larger area. Limos will try to blend into their jungle environment by either hiding under trees or in hollow trees. Although they sharp teeth Limos don’t usually attack unless provoked. And usually will follow any curious creatures in hopes for food or a new way to gain more sweets for their saliva sacks.

Basic Information


Limos are lizard-like creatures with a variety of unique features. Starting off, Limo's all have tentacles on their face that are coated in a thick, sticky saliva-like mucous. The tentacles smell sweet, and are the main part of the trap the Limos use to catch their prey. These tentacles can easily entangle small creatures, birds, and especially insects, and they can all independently move and bring food to their mouth. On top of this, Limos have horns and decently strong, sharp teeth for ripping through the flesh of both fruits and tough meat. The males particularly have longer horns on their snouts. Being lizard-like, Limos have scaly skin.

Genetics and Reproduction

A Limo will mate like any other lizard and they will often lay 15 to 20 eggs. They don’t all stay together and will usually split their pack to cover a larger area.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Limos are omnivores that will eat fruits, flowers, and small prey.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Warm climates, Jungles, Heavy forests
15-30 Years
Average Height
5' - 6'

Limo, Hummingbeast (Level 1)

Limo's are omnivorous lizard creatures that smell very sweet and use this to their advantage while hunting small creatures for food. They have horns and tentacles. The tentacles are sticky and especially sweet, which they use to trap their prey. On top of this, they have sharp teeth, though they do not attack regular people unless provoked.

Monster Level | 1
Total Hit Points | 10 HP
Monster Ability/Powers:
Limos attack with biting, clawing, and their horns. They can also use their tentacles to grapple their victims.

Skill PointsLevelModifier


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