Tolvaj, The Life-Stealer Character in Dremora: SotDK | World Anvil
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Tolvaj, The Life-Stealer

(a.k.a. The "God" Of What Could Have Been But Never Was)

If you have the luxury of hearing Tolvaj encroaching, it is the clacking and creaking of joints and the tapping and scraping of long, spindly limbs that you will hear. yet when you turnt o glance upon the source of the noise, there will only be a beautiful, ethereal androgynous figure standing there with a welcoming expression on its face. While Tolvaj may have been stricken from the records and books... it has not ceased to exist. No, rather, in its forgotten state, Tolvaj has thrived... lurking under the very roof of the Goddess it stands opposed to.  
On the spectrum of antagonists, Tolvaj falls on the entity end of the spectrum, more akin to Omen or Vad. Its origin is practically unknown and any hint at where it may have come from has been lost with Tel'Rhea's suppression of any knowledge related to it. Perhaps even Tel'Rhea has forgotten it exists?

Tolvaj is charismatic and observant, quick and nimble on its spider-like legs, and has a penchant to taunt and torment the spirits of the land (extensions of Tel'Rhea herself), becoming quite giddy when the nymphs and dryads flee. Its true form is of a a vaguely humanoid upper body, suspended on 8 spider-like appendages that emerge from its "spine". Bone-like structures compose the entirety of its "body encasing" with what appears to be leather (or perhaps skin) pulled over what would be its face. Swirling spirits drift within the fake "rib cage" – all of the lives that could have been, but never shall be.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Androgynous (when humanoid)


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