The Anwar-Dai – the Mountains of Elios Geographic Location in Dremora: SotDK | World Anvil
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The Anwar-Dai – the Mountains of Elios

The towering, rocky peaks of the Anwar-Dai mountain range cover the majority of the region of Elios. Despite their rough exterior, the mountain range is known to harbor resources and wealth hidden deep beneath its surface and within the depths of its rising mountains, slopes, and pillars. However, accessing the secret valuables hidden within is not easy. The weather in the Anwar-Dai is unpredictable and, the further one goes, the worse the weather may be. While there was once maintained waypoints through the mountain passes, these have since fallen into ruin, making the trek through the Anwar-Dai even more dangerous. Given that the true gem of the Anwar-Dai – Sun’s First Grace – is openly hostile to most outsiders, is there really enough benefit to outweigh the tremendous risks that the Anwar-Dai hold?  


Regions of the Anwar-Dai

  The Elian people who still reside within Eastern mountain range generally break the Anwar-Dai into four sub-regions:
  1. The Fringes (orange) – The portions of the Anwar-Dai that border Eredet, Ah'Shal, and Ragna. This region is characterized by more gradually sloping mountains with shorter peaks and often feature evergreen forests to support lumber industries. Small towns can be found scattered throughout. Towns were once found along the border with what once was Judas, but that area has long since been abandoned with the emergence of the Wasteland.
  2. The Main Road (peach) – The stretch of crudely carved, winding paths that begin at the edge of the Anwar-Dai, cutting through the mountains to Sun's First Grace. Many of the paths remain safer and easier to traverse than attempting to find another path. However, the hunting lodges that once served as waypoints to rest and recuperate – taking shelter from storms or avoiding other roaming threats – are now vacant and devoid of all warmth and life.
  3. Szorm'Szor Territory (yellow) – Surrounding Sun's First Grace are two stretches of the Anwar-Dai ruled by a massive creature known as the Szorm'Szor. These territories indicate the two mating territories claimed by the two dominant groups. Although they tend to stay within their claimed lands, they are known to roam along the main road and even, occasionally, down to the Fringes.
  4. Domain of Neverending Winter (ice blue) – The coldest portion of the Anwar-Dai belongs to not only a third group of Szorm'Szor... but a being (or legend, perhaps) known as the Wrath or Lady of Winter. If there is warmth lacking along the Main Road, there is no trace of warmth here – even fires seem cold, lukewarm at best.


Hunting Lodges on the Main Road

  Once functional, now relics of the past, multiple hunting lodges are located off the Main Road from the fringes of the Anwar-Dai to Sun's First Grace. The hunting lodges are composed of primarily wood, but may include a mixture of stone. They are incredibly old and the architecture clearly reflects that. Most of the lodges are one story, with perches that extend from the roof and lead to windows upon which those blessed with flight might land and enter. As one travels closer to Sun's First Grace, many of these lodges are also accompanied by floating pods suspended from beams embedded in the mountainsides. In many cases, these pods seem to be better maintained compared to the hunting lodges beneath.
Mountain Range
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Elian Guides

Acquiring an Elian guide is often the easiest way to traverse the Anwar-Dai. However, while they were once easy to acquire, any intent to travel to Sun's First Grace by a non-avian creature is met with narrowed eyes, a look of skepticism, and immediate caution. Why DO you wish to go there? To take what little is left of our actual culture? However, if the Elian folk are convinced to assist, they know the Anwar-Dai like the back of their hand... well, at least the air around the Anwar-Dai. They can assist on the ground, but generally, they are used to traveling into the air tunnels above the Anwar-Dai.


Hunting Lodges



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