Mario De'Salvadora Character in Dremora: SotDK | World Anvil
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Mario De'Salvadora

Illuminated by the light of a single candle in a dingy side room of an abandoned flour mill, a young human man puts his hands in the air. His eyes move rapidly as if expected a hidden threat and the bags under his eyes emphasize his lack of sleep.   Two well-known bounty hunters have their sights set on Mario. Before turning him over to Denarya, and ultimately Diavolo, Mario revealed his story.   He once was a student at the University of Eredet where he was in training to become an engineer until one fateful day... While on a date with his girlfriend, Olivantha, they were suddenly attacked by a four armed monstrosity that injured Mario so severely he fell into a coma. Before his eyes closed, he saw his girlfriend dragged off by the creature. When he awoke, no one seemed to remember the creature... in fact, no one seems to remember the incident at all. When he began speaking out about it, he was framed for arson and an attempted assassination attempt!   Framed or not, Mario's fate is now sealed.
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