Talents in Aislion | World Anvil


Author Note:
Some talents refer to melee and ranged skills, both "heavy" and "light". In the Skills article i have clarified which ones are used where. For these talents, please use common sense as to which weapons are affected. "Dark Insight" is modified to use Knowledge (Madness) for its text instead of Knowledge (Forbidden) and as an additional effect, reduce the difficulty of all fear checks by 1. Any talent that references Knowledge (Lore) uses Knowledge (Wyrd) or (Wilds) appropriately (usually will be Wyrd). References to Adventuring instead use Knowledge (Wilds).   Find the following talents for this setting I have included the source and page for each. Note that these are all the talents from other officially publish works that I have looked at and approved for use in the setting. I will be reviewing several publications in the Genesys Foundry and may include talents from those sources. Should a player wish to include a talent from the FFG Star Wars books, the GM will for need to approve it as, while similar, the Genesys talents are balanced under a different set of rules and boundaries. Should both the GM and player agree to include a Talent from there then by all means have fun with it!   I will be including all of my own custom talents here as well as I make them. Most of those talents will be found scattered throughout relevant articles, but I am trying to consolidate them here for easy access.   I am also considering specialization tree options, total of 7 careers and 21 specialism trees, but I havent decided on that yet.   CRB = Core Rule Book; EPG = Expanded Player's Guide; SotB = Shadow of the Beanstalk; RoT = Realms of Terrinoth   IMP= Improved; SUP= Supreme  
Priest of the circle
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
You gain Knowledge [Light] and Divine as career skills.   Accepted into the fold by the clergy, your life now is shaped by your faith in the Circle.
Aeldrich knowledge
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
You must have unlocked an Aeldrich Cypher. You gain Glyphs and Knowledge (Wyrd) and Career skills   Through years of study and effort, you have finally unlocked a cypher and have gained the ability to use the ancient magic of the Aeldrich.
Ink-bound soul
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No


  While using a magic tome as an implement (RoT pg.98), a player may treat it as also having the "Enervate" additional effect in addition to any others already in the time.

Casting "Attack" spells while using tomes gains +1 damage.   The player may not take any other "Soul-bound" Talents
Listen to the whispers
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No

Dark Magic

You must have the Dark Insight Talent to take this talent.

  Reduce the difficulty of any fear checks you make by 1.   Whenever you make a Perception or Vigilance skill check, add +2 advantage to the final total.   The Wyrd swirls around you and whispers secrets.
Mystic of the old ways
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Gain the Primal skill, Knowledge [Wilds] skill as career skills.   Becoming closer to nature and the secrets it holds, you find a new purpose in the walk as a mystic.
Verdant soul
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No


When casting the Attack spell with the Primal magic skill, you may add the Ice additional effect without increasing the difficulty of the magic skill check, but you may never add the Fire additional effect.    A player may not take any other "Soul-Bound" talents.

Articles under Talents


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