Mystic of the Old Ways Profession in Aislion | World Anvil

Mystic of the Old Ways

Keepers of the Secret Paths



Being a mystic is something that requires a connection to the wild nature of Aislion. Mystics are mostly self-pronounced believers in the old ways, but still must learn a few things before they are considered a true mystic.   Some people who become mystics do so out of their own choice to learn the secrets of the wilderness and seek to learn more about the nature of the Wyrd. These rare individuals discover the power of the Wilds with little to no guidance from a mentor.   Regardless of how someone becomes a mystic, the following talent can give them access to the magic and knowledge they seek.  
Mystic of the old ways
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Gain the Primal skill, Knowledge [Wilds] skill as career skills.   Becoming closer to nature and the secrets it holds, you find a new purpose in the walk as a mystic.

Career Progression

Learning the lessons of the wilds and the connection between the Wyrd and nature is most often done by a wizened mystic teaching a young acolyte. An acolyte can come from anywhere and must be given a small amount of tutelage in the ways of the mystic arts.  When the individual can communicate with the elder in the "ancient tongue" (an archaic language spoken between mystics) and can prove they can harness the nature around them through the primal magics, that is when they are generally considered a fully fledged mystic.

Payment & Reimbursement

The mystic learns to live off of the land almost entirely, but they do trade their acquired herbs, gathered fruits, and hunted meat or pelts.

Other Benefits

Being a mystic means that you hold a psuedo-priest role in the wilderness. You commune between nature and the people who choose to live in the Wilds. This means a mystic is generally received well. The only exception is where the church of the Circle, and particularly the Inquisition , hold the main seat of faith.



Mystics are rather rare to find as the beliefs they hold are considered archaic. In the wild you might find one to every three or four hamlets and villages. You will almost never find one in a major city.


The mystics follow traditions they believe were set before them centuries ago before the gods of the circle interfered with the people of Aislion. Their traditions have been written down in scrolls and tomes making small personal libraries. Many of these collections are inherited by a successor, but many times they are given to the Reliquary , a hidden repository of knowledge and secrets.



Druid make use of particular runes when casting their magic. These runes are made of a variety of materials, some of which can actually augment the casting of the user.

Provided Services

Mystics act as simple herbalists and even farmers, but they provide another function to those that seek them out. If you have had dry crops, a sickness come over your house, or perhaps you have been beset by imps and other mischievous fey, mystics are the villages main source of knowledge and aid.
by Tomas Duchek

Starting Career

For those wanting to start on the path of the mystic, you can start the game as an Acolyte career:

Acolyte of the old ways

Having a special connection to the natural world around them, Acolytes are followers of the Old Ways and act as intermediaries between the people and nature (and sometimes the fey). Almost always found out in the Wilds, they provide aid to people either under the guidance of a mentor or through their own study and learning.


The Acolyte of the old ways counts the following skills as career skills: Athletics , brawl , coordination , knowledge (wilds) , medicine , melee (heavy) , primal , survival . Before spending experience during character creation, a Acolyte of the old ways may choose four of their career skills and gain one rank in each of them.

Alternative Names
The old ways are considered superstitions by the average believer in the Circle, and as blasphemy by the more devout. When in areas controlled by the Circle's faith, mystics must keep to themselves lest they attract unwanted attention.
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