Doll's Bane Poison Item in Dratora | World Anvil
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Doll's Bane Poison

Doll's bane is a dark red liquid with a bitter taste that causes tremendous pain, damage, and disorientation to an individual subjected to its effects. It is somewhat unique in as far as it is an injury poison that is most effective when laced on a weapon, but also has a slightly muted effect if ingested.
Doll's bane is also notorious due to its untreatable nature. For a reason that eludes many scholars, doll's bane cannot be cured with an antidote. It is also atypical in so far as it does not effect bird or bird-folk besides providing a narcotic high.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

When a creature is damaged by a slashing or piercing weapon laced with this poison, or if they ingest this poison, they are subjected the following effects:
  • Damage balance by 1d6 for 1hr
  • Damage constitution by 1d6 for 1hr
  • Damage HP by 1d6 (injury only)
  • Hallucinate for 1hr
  • Sustain 1d6 wound levels
The only effect of the above that affect birds or bird-folk is the hallucination.
The effects of this poison cannot be neutralised by a potion with the cure poison effect.

Manufacturing process

Homogenise the doll's eyes until they are a consistent texture and combine the mass with a small amount of water and bran or flour. Apply this to a weapon or have the target consume it for it to take effect.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Base Price
90 silver pennies
Raw materials & Components
Doll's bane poison is brewed from doll's eyes.


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