Decas Geographic Location in Dratora | World Anvil
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People from Decas are thought of as delicate by other people across the world. This stereotype originates from the inflated price of excruciating poison in Decas, meaning fewer people supposedly grew up accepting the very real risk, or being the recipient of, agonising pain befalling them.
Religion is not as commonplace in Decas as the rest of the world, and mystics are rare; they are both revered and avoided due their unfamiliar wisdom. This is largely due to the lack of laurel, resulting in a lack of blacksmith's brew available. Since the residents must resort to the more expensive, less abundant elixir of wisdom  to expand their creative minds, such philosophies and practices are for the obscenely wealthy or eccentric.


A temperate country with swampy areas near its border rivers. To the South it bears some wetter mountain forests.
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