The Lysander family Organization in Dragon Road | World Anvil
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The Lysander family

"Ah the Lysanders - one never knows if they are insane or brilliant - or walking that very fine line!" - Mayor Nezu
  "We like-like shiny tech - especially when it goes boom-boom!" - Captured Skaven sabatour, moments before blowing themselves up.

  The Lysander family owns the Lysander occult emporiums, the knowledge of the archaieotech and the owner of the lightning rail.
  Movers and shakers in Manchester especially but their influence extends to other cities.
  Their technological secrets are jealously guarded.
  Branch families are scattered across the isles and it is with regular occurence that those with promise are adopted in.
  Their shops sell everything adventurers need from potions, weapons, travelling gear to animal companions!


The head of the Lysander family weilds the title of Magister   The head engineer has the title of Head Arcanist.


Money, money and tech.   Will it make them money or will it advance their arcaoitech?

Public Agenda

Improving general life - restoring ancient tech and supplying best quality gear to adventurers.


Owns the lightning rail train.   Lysander emporiums acrosss the country.   Private Miltia.


Intially founded in 2053 - Sergei Lysander was one of the survivors of the cataclysm.   Manchester itself survived realitivly intact - but with the loss of knowledge and skills, Sergei was in the right place to help the city turn its fortunes around.   The major turning point was when Mariann was born - Sergei's granddaughter. A prodigy in magical energy the Lysander family became a massive power with the creation of the Leyline engine.   It further cemented it's power with the creation of the lightning rail - connecting allied cities to each other.

"If it zaps, sparkles or pops, we sell it - but no refunds!"

Founding Date
Alternative Names
"The del boys"
Organization Vehicles


The court of owls hate The Lysander family for their pollution of the country side - especially The lightning rail.   The lysander family consider the court of owls as a terroist faction - there have been multiple intances of court members destroying Lysander property and multiple sabotage attempts have been made on the lightning rail


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