
Vermesians are elongated invertebrate burrowers of rock and soil.  Recently found wreaking havoc in the Foothills of Jorim where relief efforts to repair the damage caused by the Slide of '43.  Detailed study has not been, so information is sparse and seemingly conflicted regarding the Vermesians.   Vermesians dislike vibrations and tend to explore sources of such disruption, thus creating fear in the encountered creatures that have drawn Vernesian attention and resulting in many deaths on both sides.   Since the Slide of '43, renewed interest in the study of Vermesians has grown, cue to a marked increase in appearance of live specimens and the discovery of dead one in the rubble.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Vermesians have no known source of sight, but are believed to be able to sense movement through vibrations or upon the ground.  Large Vermesians have been known to appear after the felling of a tree, the passage of a merchant caravan, marching armies, or battle grounds.

Ecology and Habitats

Well drained soil or rock formations.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

At one end of a Vermesian an opening can be identified as a mouth containing multiple rows of small sharp teeth most likely used to aid in the Vermesian's ability to burrow through rock and soil.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Vermesians are typically found at higher elevations, mountains or large hills, where excess water is quickly drained.  They have recently appeared in the FootHills of Jorim after the Slide of '43.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Vermesians have the ability to sense vibrations in rock and soil
Average Physique
Vermesian specimens can range in length from 15cm to 3 meters, but their girth tends to maintain a ration of 1/6th the specimen's length.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Coloring of Vermesians varies based upon the mineral composition of the rock or soil in which they dwell.  A living Vermesians coloring is often obscured by a layer soil that covers their body.  Their coloring may be clearer if encountered in a rainstorm.
Geographic Distribution


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