The Trickster Character in Draconis | World Anvil

The Trickster

Prince Zoran Delion Androtimos (a.k.a. Adrien)

Zoran is or was a friend of mine. You can never be to sure with him. He grew up in the courts of the palace, so he's used to people saying two things at once. I remember when I first met him, it felt like in the first two minutes I had told him my entire life story. It felt like every time he looked at me with those bright blue eyes he was dissecting my soul.

Even now, years later, it still feels as if I've known him all my life, yet he's still an acquaintance despite the hundreds of conversations we've had.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Growing up as the crown prince from birth he had huge expectations and responsibilities placed on him. He kept up appearances for the sake of appearances. For his father, his mother, his brothers, and the kingdom.

Perhaps there was a part of him that liked acting, that liked putting on the show, but this is speculation. He went to every party he was invited to, and every event the king hosted. He spoke well, and grew to be well liked by the various nobles and wealthy people from the kingdoms and countries nearby.

I can only imagine how these events and parties shaped him. Politicians of every kind, no matter which world, are full of half-truths, and I imagine that hearing hundreds upon hundreds of half-truths will take a toll on someone.

But I'm just sad it had to happen to Zoran.

Intellectual Characteristics

Zoran is very smart and is well versed in nearly every subject, but he excels in knowing how the human mind works. Using this knowlege to his advantage he plays with people. He toys with them, tricks them, and persuades them into doing things they would never have done before.

Zoran is one of the few humans that actually scares me.

Morality & Philosophy

Feelings, Consequences, Power
There are three things very little people, if anyone, knows about Zoran.

First, he cares very little about the feelings of others, probably because of all his time in court. Spending his years with uncaring men and women. He's spent years with the best liars, analyzing them, watching them, figuring out who they were and what made them tick. Before ultimately exploiting those weakenesses. He looks at people and talks to them as if he cares, all the while playing with you, as if you're simply a toy.

Second, the idea of consequences is foreign to him. Although he is the crown prince and was reprimanded often for "mistakes", he had never faced any real consequences for his actions. He watched rulers and nobles, even his father swindle their people year after year and get away with it. No one said anything, no one stood up to them. So, he thought, who will stand up to me?

And third, to him the greatest power anyone could have is knowledge. With knowledge you can plan your enemies downfall without having to go to war. With knowledge you get in and out of any situation without getting caught. With knowledge you can do anything you want.


Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Because of his time in court, Zoran is adaptable and a quick thinker. His knowledge on various subjects causes him to be inventive and resourceful.


The Trickster

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Main Character



Main Character

Friend (Important)

Towards The Trickster



Current Status
Learning the weaknesses of others over a cup of tea
Sharp, striking, blue
black, medium length, neat,
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark, tan

This article has no secrets.


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Aug 18, 2023 13:54

Great use of the spoiler to "hide" stuff about Zoran that wouldnt be common knowledge :)

Yours truly, Nino.
Its Worldember!I am building out a spooky world, which you can read about here! (psst, its a link)
To learn about my main world click on this link! (if you want to ;) )
Aug 18, 2023 14:53 by Jacqueline Yang

Thank you!