Yeti Species in Draconia | World Anvil


Ferocious, but misunderstood snow hunters

The Yeti. A terrifying creature that strikes fear into the hearts of children and meek across Briggs. Nothing riles up a village to arms quite like the piercing howl that signals the presence of a pack of these beasts. They stand at the same height of most men, with sharp claws that can rend flesh, a powerful bite capable of breaking off bones and the capability of tracking you down no matter how well you hide.   Despite their threat, nothing screams "Briggs" more than the sport of Yeti hunting. It's a dangerous activity that requires a ton of guts, bravado, fearlessness and a lot of skill. Otherwise, you may end up torn apart by a pack of these frightening beasts and used as a warning decoration for future hunters.
— Draconia Encyclopedia, Section 4: Briggs, Chapter 3: Wildlife
  Yetis are one of the most commonly hunted animals in Briggs, but they are a deadly beast to even attempt hunting. Scores of villagers have departed into the wilds to bring back the pelt of a Yeti, only to never return and be lost to the icy wilds of their homeland. Despite the popularity of hunting them, that rite is generally reserved only for the most talented hunters in a village, or as a rite of passage.  


A Yeti is a beautiful creature to set sight upon. Their coats are a vibrant white that blends them into their environments perfectly. The patches of skin that you can see through their fur is a dark shade of blue matching the color of an asphyxiating human. A pair of horns curve along the shape of their skulls until steering skyward and becoming a display of mating prowess and strength. Some Yetis have also been spotted with different colored coats, such as black and gray. The reasoning for this color change has not been discovered, but it is believed to be related to those specific individual's proximity to the Severnaya Valley.   Yetis are bipedal creatures by nature, though some of the larger specimens maneuver via a process called "knucklewalking" in which they bear some of their weight on their arms to use them as a second pair of legs. The set of legs is complimented by a pair of arms that comprise a wingspan that is slightly longer than the height of the Yeti itself. The muscular structure of a Yeti is much more reinforced than a typical humanoid's, with their tendons and muscle fibers rarely tearing as a result of the excessive force they can display while hunting and eating.   Despite their massive size differences and altered body structures when compared to a standard human, Yetis are considered to be one of the closest relatives to humans due to their similar body systems.  

Perception and Sensory Abilities

Yetis are among some of the best hunting creatures in Draconia, as their bodies are adapted specifically to the cold weather conditions that they live in. Their ears have roughly the same sensitivity to noise as a Felynin's ears, which allows them to gain the element of surprise on unaware prey. While their ears are hypersensitive to noise, they also have a fault in that the ears are incapable of determining which direction the sound originated from. This can sometimes lead to a Yeti missing an opportunity to strike at prey, but some inquisitive specimens have been observed turning their heads when sound is heard and following the direction at which the sound becomes most well-heard.   Another ability that has been noted in the species is that they can eliminate their body odor. The means at which they do this is not known, but it is assumed that it has something to do with snow baths, a behavior that the Yetis often display before and after a hunt. When the odor is not masked, a Yeti will commonly smell like decayed flesh, carrion and rotting waste; a dead giveaway to any creature that has any sense of smell.   Finally, Yetis also possess thermal vision. Their eyes see the heat signatures of other warm-blooded creatures, highlighting them against the snow. They use this in tandem with their other senses to track, hide or attack prey with near perfect efficiency. This is what ultimately makes the creatures such fearsome hunters. They can camouflage into their surroundings with their snow-white fur and wait in perfect stillness for the chance to attack a potential meal. This is also what allows them to turn the tables on hunters that attempt to hunt the Yeti. If they are not observant enough to determine if a Yeti is hiding, running away or hunting the hunter, they hold little chance of survival.  


When not engaged in hunting, Yetis demonstrate some curious behaviors that aren't typically associated with animals of their intelligence. They seem to form small "communities" that claim territory, much like humans do when exploring new areas. A typical community is made up of around two to four male Yetis (with one being designated as the Alpha) and anywhere from ten to twenty females. The males share territory that is claimed within the community and create small living areas for themselves. The relations of Yetis in the same community also mirror that of humans in how they interact with one another. Within these communities they also seem to establish a form of communication that allows them to convey information.


The most common form of communication that has been observed from Yetis are growls, howls and grunts. Grunts are assumed to be the most used based off of observations, and can mean anything from simple commands like, "move", "sit" or "look" to more complicated requests when combined with hand signs. The tone and vocal level of grunts seem to also influence how commands or other communication is interpreted. A harsher grunt in unison with a point could mean to move to a specific location, while an aggressive grunt followed by the slamming of fists into the hands could be interpreted as a challenge for dominance.   Growls are the default aggressive verbal sign from what has been studied. These are used as threatening displays when two Yetis challenge one another for dominance over their community or for territory. They also serve as warnings to younger Yetis when they anger or irritate an older member of the community. If these growls are ignored the affair often escalates into violence, which doesn't bode well for the younger specimen. When this specific problem has arisen, the communities often splinter into two, with one side allying with the family of the younger specimen, and the other side allying with the older Yeti. This split leads to rival communities that will contest territory, often leading to more violent and bloody clashes in the future.   Howls have been determined to be the hunting language of the Yetis. The howls penetrate through the forest quite well, and although the clarity of a howl may alert prey to the presence or proximity of a hunting creature, it allows the Yetis to coordinate efforts and easily corner their quarry.

Social Relations

Yetis that form communities display different behaviors when confronted with other members of their species. A Yeti that is not a part of a community is much more likely to be aggressive when confronted with another Yeti, as they seek to defend their territory from what they consider to be an intruder. Conversely, a Yeti involved in a community will act more welcoming to an outsider and attempt to integrate them into their group.   The female Yetis of a community will bond with the males and live within each male's designated area. The groups of females under each male assume responsibility for keeping their living space clean and providing other materials such as bedding, sticks for teeth cleaning and other needs. When the daily tasks are done for each group, they mingle with one another, grooming, communicating and engaging in playful activities.

Interactions with Humans

I held a good relationship with the Yetis of the Severnaya Valley. I could journey to the gate at Izgoy and interact with them freely. Then one day, a pack of hunters arrived and slaughtered them all. The surrounding communities within the Valley thought I sent them and attacked me. To this day, I regret the fact that I might have led those poor creatures to their doom.
Humanoids and Yetis have shared a relationship of predator and prey for hundreds of years, ever since the discovery of Yetis in the isolated wilds of Briggs. Attacks on settlements have become more common due to the destruction of habitats. The expansion of territory for Draconia forces the Yeti population closer to humans, and what were once rare attacks that would raze settlements have now turned into monthly occurrences. Attacks have also grown more savage and deadly. Whereas attacks in the past were more warning strikes meant to deter settlers from venturing too far into territory, they are now made with the intent to kill and gather food. The increase in frequency and deadliness of these events has also led to heightened aggression from towns, and their hunters are making more journeys into the wilds to cull the violent populations of Yetis.  

Potential for Domestication

While Yetis are often described as aggressive and territorial to any intruders into their lands, this isn't entirely the case. Zoologists, druids and rangers that have made the trek into the dense Yeti populations have observed that the Yetis aren't aggressive as a first response. That they actually display a sense of curiosity to intruders so long as they aren't actively searching for food. There are even claims that Yetis are capable of speaking basic Common. These observations have made others curious about the idea of domesticating Yetis, though this hasn't been given any funding or attention by the Council of Dragons or Briggs government.  
  • Cases of Giant Domestication
The area near Izgoy Ot Gora has been documented to be home to Frost Giants. The few Giants that have been spotted have also been confirmed to be leading packs of Yetis. Draconia Defense Force Team 11 was responsible for felling one such Giant and his pack of Yetis before they made their expedition into the valley. This confirms that domestication is indeed possible, but the methods for it are currently unknown.
  • Potential Case of Human Domestication
A traveling ranger by the name of Theyodore Eoin has made claims that he also domesticated a pack of Yetis and lived amongst them for a period of time during the year 3045. However, his claim is questionable as he mentions that one day he found his pack slaughtered by the gates of Izgoy Ot Gora. Based on other reports, this is the same group of Yetis that Draconia Defense Force Team 11 had slain when they killed the giant. When questioned about his methods of domestication, Theyodore stated that submitting to the group Alpha and learning to live amongst them as a submissive member of the community was what led to them trusting him. While this could hardly be considered "domestication", it is useful information to have.  


The diet of a yeti is relatively simple. A good proportion of their daily intake is meat, supplemented by occasional berries or other fruits that they find laying on the forest floor. They will often hunt for more than they are capable of ingesting in one sitting with the intent to preserve it for later if they are a lone specimen, or to deliver it to their community if they belong to one. The most common meat that the yeti gorges on is the meat of the Common Briggs Deer (Icetuft Deer). Other meats that the yeti has been known to consume are the flesh of humans, other humanoids and even some acts of cannibalism in dire cases.

Standard Yeti Diet

Water/Other Liquids
Common Meats
Deer, human, snow leopard Felynin
Common Fruits
Raspberries, blueberries and on occasion peaches from settlement farms

Life Cycle

The yeti lives through four stages of life: Infanthood, adolescence, adulthood and finally eldership. The four stages are detailed below.  
Infanthood: This stage is the earliest stage of life for a yeti, in which it must be cared for by its parents. Yetis typically stay in this stage till roughly five to seven years of age, at which point they reach the next stage.   Yetis in this stage of life have yet to fully develop many of their senses, such as their hearing, vision and smell. Their coats are also prone to falling off, as the hair has yet to reach a level of strength that isn't easily ripped apart. This is also when yetis are prone to imprinting on other creatures, as noted in the story of Beti the Yeti.
Adolescence: The secondary stage of life for a yeti and the second longest stage. A yeti commonly enters this stage between the age of five and seven and stays an adolescent until turning 15, when they enter adulthood.   Adolescent yetis have fully gained their senses and learn to use them to hunt. They also develop the skills of communication if they are born into a community of yeti, otherwise that skill slowly develops as they enter adulthood. Yetis at this stage can still imprint onto other creatures, but it is a much harder and considerably more dangerous task.
Adulthood: The primary and tertiary stage of life of a yeti and the most commonly seen. An adult yeti is fully grown and has mastered their senses to such a degree that make them the terrifying hunters that they are known as. Adults raised in communities have developed communication skills completely, while those surviving in the wilds alone are still learning how to vocalize.   Adult yetis' horns have a significant curve not seen on younger yetis that sets them apart from their youthful counterparts. Unlike earlier stages, imprinting at this point is impossible no matter how hard an individual tries. The adult yeti will either tear you limb from limb or lazily ignore your existence. Adults either congregate together to form communities or continue to endure the wilds. This is also when sexually mature adults will seek out female mates to reproduce.
  Eldership: The final stage of life for a yeti and the least understood. It is not known what exactly denotes an elder yeti from an adult. It is inferred that the weaker specimens that show the typical signs of aging are elders. These specimens have also been noted to have lost the curvature of their horns.   We believe that a yeti enters eldership within the last two to five years of its lifetime. Because of their varied lifespans, this makes it difficult to accurately assess when a yeti will enter this final stage.
Scientific Name
Gorilla glacies
20-30 years, but have been recorded to be upwards of 50 in extreme cases.
Conservation Status
Numbers dwindling in the wild. Zoologists fearful for the continued survival of the species as habitat destruction continues.
Average Height
Average Weight
200-300 lbs. (Female), 350-500 lbs. (Male)
Geographic Distribution

The Story of Beti the Yeti

Stroke of Luck

In the year 3030 EoD, a lone cartographer found an abandoned yeti den near the ruins of Izgoy Ot Gora. Inside the hollowed-out wall of ice was a nesting area, littered with skeletal remains of caught prey, droppings, pelts of fur and foliage used as bedding. The cartographer examined the nest and took some hasty notes, disregarding it as empty and a remnant of the aggressive predators.    As he turned to leave, there was a small mewl, just loud enough to break through the sound of his footsteps sloshing through the snow. He returned to the nest and examined it more thoroughly. This time he managed to spot what was making the noise: a small bundle of white fur that he had mistaken for the tail of an Icetuft Deer. It was actually an infant yeti that must have been left behind. Though it was alive, it was still cold and barely breathing, he knew that the creature didn't have much time to live.    He made a fire with as much haste as he could muster, scavenged through his pack to find some form of food that he could mush into a soft paste and got to work trying to save the little infant's life. There were a few scares involved, but he managed to help the little thing pull through and enjoy a second chance at life. As he held the small creature in his hands, it reached its own hand out to the man. And it called out in an animalistic, yet somehow childlike manner, grunting out a strained version of the word "momma". Its eyes locked with the map maker's, and from that point on, the yeti was inseparable from his side. Her savior named her Beti, after his late daughter.

Living with a Yeti

The cartographer finished his assignment and promptly quit his job in order to relocate to Briggs and keep Beti in her natural habitat. He built himself a tiny hut in the surrounding area around Izgoy to also keep her close to home. After the first few years of paste and bottle feeding, he had to teach Beti how to hunt.   She was a quick learner and was very intuitive when it came to understanding her natural senses. Overtime, the two learned how to understand each other; he could understand and communicate in Yeti vocalizations, and Beti learnt to comprehend and speak Common. By the time she was an adolescent she had matured into a powerful yeti that stood well over six-foot-six, towering over her father-figure. The cartographer had also honed his own skills of survival and switched paths from being a simple mapmaker into a cunning ranger, capable of living amongst beasts and the wild.   Unfortunately, Beti turned fifteen in the year 3045. The ranger, who had taken the new name of Theyodore, made the painful choice to release her into the wild. She was capable of fending for herself and she possessed the ability of communication that would allow her to enter into a community were she able to find one. While he was filled with sorrow at having to release his spiritual daughter, Theyodore understood that it was for the better for both of them. She needed to be free and be amongst her own kind and he needed to have some form of contact with humans again. With one final hug, the two bid each other farewell, making the promise to see each other again in the future.

What Happened to Beti

Beti quickly found herself in the wilds of the Severnaya Valley, alone and somewhat fearful. She had never been isolated like this in her life, and it was a harrowing experience for someone so adapted to companionship. Her first few weeks of survival were tough. Scavenging and hunting were difficult endeavors, amplified by the presence of stronger beasts and Giants that she did not trust.    She eventually came across a community of other yetis and was welcomed into their group without any trouble. Learning to live with a much bigger group than just two persons was also a harsh process, but she was able to overcome her fear of others and eventually integrate into the community as the Alpha's prized female. She wasn't one to sit in the dens and clean, no, she was a fierce huntress dedicated to caring for others like she cared for her father figure. Her community was well-cared for once she realized her own potential.   She had a number of children within her community and was graced that none were stillbirths like she had been before the turning of her luck. Despite only having finished the process of birth weeks before, Beti was already back to work hunting and feeding her community. She even learned to coexist with the giants that had scared her so much when she first arrived in the valley. The promise to Theyodore was kept when she brought her children to see him. Despite not being of actual blood relation, the man was overjoyed to be a grandfather in his own right, something he had never thought he would be.   One day, her community did not return from a hunt. Beti had volunteered to stay behind and clean out the nests since she had not done the task in a while and that day felt like a lazy day. When her kin failed to come back by nightfall, she had assumed the worst. She left her children in the care of a giant nursery and set off to the gate of Izgoy. There, she found the retainer of her community slumped over the bodies of her fallen kin. They had been slain by a group of hunters bearing the mark of the Draconian government. Hate brewed in her mind, corrupting any sense she had of the situation and plunging her into despair. Her only thoughts were that her treasured father had done this. He had worked for the government before and talked about how evil they could be. Turns out he was no different. Everything to this point had to have been a lie and ruse in order to gain access to the giants and exterminate them from the face of the earth.    When Theyodore next returned, he was met with the claws of a horde of neighboring yetis. At the front of the pack was his own daughter, ordering her new kin to rend her father till he was near death. She spared him the cruel fate and left him barely alive, clinging to the sliver of spirit that he still had. He was given a warning, told to never return, or the job would be finished. Beti and her kin returned to the depths of the valley, fully prepared to never leave again.


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Aug 7, 2023 11:22 by E. Christopher Clark

Great details throughout. My favorite was probably the bit about how they can eliminate their body odor. Though I felt like I knew yetis pretty well as I started reading, I was continually intrigued by the way you added your own spin to them.

Vote for the Clarkwoods Literary Universe as Best World in the Worldbuilding Awards
Aug 7, 2023 17:28 by Jordan C.

Thank you! I definitely wanted it to feel unique to the world and not just a rehash of folklore. Very glad to hear that it worked out.

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