Trivium Settlement in Draconia | World Anvil

Trivium (chri-VE-um)


The population in Trivium fluctuates often due to the nature of the town. In the most recent census, there were 150 dragonborn of various colorations, along with 25 kobolds and 25 lizardfolk and a singular dragon that comprised the upper class of the settlement.   300 humans of differing ethnicities, 100 dwarves (majority being hill dwarves, but 15 mountain) along with a small clan of fifty forest elves make up the humanoid population. The remaining 400-ish inhabitants are a mix of Aarakocra, Kenku and Tabaxi (mix of tiger and jaguar species).


The town is run by a council of elected leaders and a mayor. The leaders have sole say in what laws and policies are accepted, with the mayor serving as final say. The system is a modified version of the general electocracy that governs Ruxan as a whole.


Trivium has a slightly raised fence line that serves as a barrier of entry. The fence does not provide much protection, due to its composition of plain wood. There are a few guard towers that serve for height advantage, particularly for the archers of the town guard. Due to the tourism/traveler focus that the town thrives on, they try to keep their defenses low, as to give passerby the perception that the town is calm.

Industry & Trade

The town survives mostly by the tourism and traveling industry. Because the town is essentially the last bit of civilization that is actually civilized in between Uzambwe and Briggs, the travelers tend to have a mass amount of coin or assets to trade. This leads to the town having a variety of items that tend to get sold across the many thrift markets.    Inhabitants that don't own shops or trade tend to focus more on personal farming or manufacturing tools for other cities that they'll use for their own infrastructure.


The dwarves that have made home in Trivium have contributed greatly to the towns' structures. The earliest dwarves built the roads that would eventually span all of Ruxan. Their descendants would continue to make their own contributions. The second and third generations constructed the sewer system underneath the town to allow a septic system, rather than latrines or other forms of such things. The latest generations have begun to build armaments around the city to serve as a defense system, due to the current situation in Draconia.


Trivium has a single armory that provides weapons and defense items for the town guards. Other than this, the town does not carry much in terms of pure value. There are no large treasure stores or even a treasury that the town uses to upgrade itself.

Points of interest

Trivium does its best to provide some experiences for the people that continuously pass through it.    In the dead center of town lies the central clocktower. A historical landmark that has stood since the town was founded. It was built by the third generation of Dwarven rocksmiths in honor of the town's longstanding livelihood. The inside is available for tours that take people up to the top, where the view is spectacular. One can see the almost the entirety of the Ruxan region. They can see the plateau that Virdio lies upon, as well as to the far north where Quelen Keep resides. The walls at the top are engraved with the signatures of the dwarf families that contributed to the building, as well as the current generation that maintain the clocktower.    Another spot that travelers will often stop at is Karly's Kuts. It is a large-scale jewelry store that appears as a high-functioning, wealthy-serving store. In reality, it is just a tourist trap. The shop's namesake owner buys uncut jewels from the thrift stores that get them either through trade or buying from tourists and travelers, then cuts them herself in order to set and cast into jewelry. While the store has some amazing cuts, as well as uncut stones that can be used in spell-casting, personal use or trade, the prices are fairly marked up in order to make a fat profit. One benefit to the store, is that Karly donates a sizable percentage of her profits to the dwarf families that aid in building the city. Though this also serves as a beneficial relationship for both, as these same dwarves will gift Karly gems that they find during mining processes.    There is also a large-scale clothing store called Plethorum that is run by an elderly dragonborn couple. They are well-known in the town for how gracious and generous they are. The store donates a majority of their discounted or unsellable inventory to needier families throughout Ruxan. Though they do not have any other stores throughout the region, they make trips to the other towns and set up a stall to sell their clothing or donate what they can't sell. There's always a fresh batch of cookies or other pastries at the front entrance first thing in the morning, courtesy of the wife. When the owners aren't there, their grandchildren run the store. For the most part, they are just as well-liked as their grandparents are, except for one child who seems to only think about profits.
Founding Date
789 EoD
Alternative Name(s)
Crossroads Town
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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