Chromaticos Geographic Location in Draconia | World Anvil

Chromaticos (Kro-Matt-e-cose)

That land... it is where all lesser life goes to die. A haven for generations worth of bred narcissism, nepotism and arrogance. On all that is holy under Bahamuts' wings I would not wish for any of my worst enemies to live the last of their days on that land.

Chromaticos is the home-continent of the chromatic dragon races, separated into five nations; Ruxan, Alezar, Uzambwe, Zalesh and Briggs. Each nation holds its own smaller government, organizations, laws and the like. However, each nation is also governed over by a true dragon that oversees proceedings within. That dragon or another dragon with familial connections serve as a representative for their nation on the Council of Dragons.

The Five Laws of Chromaticos

While each nation of Chromaticos may have its own distinct laws, each nation is also held to a standard of five laws that are universal across.
  1. Dragons are the superior beings of the planes. Without dragon-rulers, the lesser races would flounder, lost and aimless.
  2. Only a true dragon of respective color can govern over a nation of Chromaticos. Our kind may work together to achieve a common goal, but the mixing of chromatics will lead to a diluted population ill-fit to rule.
  3. Those who would undermine a nation would undermine all of Chromaticos.
  4. Lesser races may aid in the pursuit of Dragon superiority, but they may never hold a position of power that may destroy the process towards that goal.
  5. War amongst nations is strictly forbidden. Infighting will only lead to ruin, and the downfall of dragons as a whole.

The Chromatic Council

The Council of Dragons is divided into two halves; one representing Chromatics and the other representing Metallan. The Chromatic Council serves as overseers for all of Chromaticos, but also have a say in how issues amongst all nations are dealt with. If a decision has council approval, one nation can be subjected to the laws of another nation, though this does not happen very often. A majority of council sessions are only shows of power and status; competitions between the representatives and lords to showcase how each is doing in governing their nation. That is not to say that topics of importance are not discussed. Should it be necessary, the Five Laws can be ammended, disregarded or reinterpreted as the council sees fit to absolve an issue.
Upon the rage of Tiamat,
The Reds, fierce and powerful, rule
The Blues, vain and covetous, preserve
The Greens, cunning and tricky, negotiate
The Blacks, temperamental and sadistic, interrogate
The Whites, bestial and cruel, conscript
Such is the way of Chromaticos. Homeland to all Chromatic-kind.


  • Briggs Regional Map
    A regional map highlighting points of interest in the Briggs region.
  • Ruxan Regional Map
    A regional map that highlights the entirety of the Ruxan region.
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Cover image: by StaticStar1 via Midjourney


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