Calcite (KAL-cyte)

The power of flame in solid form

A mage wields the power of flame in their hands, a Red Dragon spews fire with the simple act of breathing. The power of fire takes various forms in the world, manipulated and controlled to achieve different means. It becomes converted from a harmful force of nature into something utilized by the population for different purposes like hunting, lighting and cooking. Even with all of the ways of using fire, it has always been something that can never by physically harnessed. As a process that consumes physical material to create the reaction which eventually produces fire, it dies out when fuel ceases to be present. When fuel is not readily available or a creature is incapable of producing flame through other means, Calcite is the answer to their problem.   Calcite is a naturally occurring material prominently found in Alezar on Chromaticos. Once found in troves, the supply of Calcite began dwindling late in the 3rd millennia of the Era of Dragons. However, the Calcite Pass  was discovered in 2875 EoD and the supply issues were resolved. The heat that permeates into the tunnel from Alezar aids in the creation of the vast amounts of Calcite. It hastens the natural processes that cause rock and basic ore to liquify under the extreme heat and subterranean pressure. As the liquid form rises to the surface, it rapidly melts surrounding material, blackening the nearby rock and forming a protective crust around it. Once the concoction cools, the vibrant red crystals nest inside their defensive creation, waiting to be mined out and utilized.   When properly harvested and refined, Calcite allows its wielders to do many things normally reserved for magic users and biologically-gifted creatures. Others disregard this capability and instead use it as a symbol of status, flaunting around Calcite jewelry despite the inherent risks to one's safety if exposed to vast amounts of heat or improper elements. Regardless of how one uses it, the capabilities of Calcite are only limited by the owner's imagination and desires.  

Physical and Chemical Properties


  While in an unrefined form, Calcite would appear as any other naturally occurring rock formation. The only indicator that it is something deeper is the glimmers of red that shine through the cracks in the blackened shell. In this form, it can look like just about anything; a stone, an egg, a stalagmite. Any form or shape that rocks can naturally take, Calcite can replicate given the right conditions.   Once it has been refined, Calcite takes on a more predictable appearance. The black crust is broken away to reveal the shining red and pink coloration that lies underneath. When exposed to light, the mineral reflects it off, giving it a crimson shade capable of blinding onlookers with enough brightness. In this form, Calcite generally looks like a crystalline formation, with sharp edges, jagged points and resembling stabbing weapons. But a talented crafter can actually mold the Calcite into mounds that resemble balls of varying sizes, ingots or even squares. This is the preferred form of refined Calcite, as it is easier to mold into weapons, apply to weapons or even be sold as is.  
Quick Tip
Calcite forms at super-heated temperatures due to subterranean vents and geological pressure. Don't try to replicate these conditions at home, or you may die! Also don't put refined Calcite in your mouth for too long. Exposing it to hot temperatures for extended periods of time cause it to ignite and rapidly expand. You will die then!


The exact makeup of Calcite is different depending on a variety of factors. These include: location, material used to form the crust, level of temperature and pressure applied and also degree of cooling. Hotter locations generally lead to more powerful formations of Calcite but are less stable due to the lack of other minerals and metals that aid in forming the crust. Areas that are less heated create less potent versions of Calcite but they are much more stable and at less risk of explosive reactions or improperly balanced power outputs. The level of pressure also plays a major role in the formation and usage. Higher levels of pressure stabilizes the molecules inside the material, leading to less risk of explosion, while lower levels do not stabilize it as much, but also allow the molecules to freely move, which creates a more powerful burst of power when used.    The ideal factors for powerful, yet stable Calcite is listed below.   Recipe

Material Makeup


Level of Pressure and Temperature

4500 Fahrenheit
Rapid cooling after extraction, followed by slow re-heating that doesn't reach melting point


Accessing Calcite in a commercial, ready-to-use form is a right generally reserved to medium-ranking or higher military officials. With the discovery of the Calcite Pass and its abundance of the material, however, it has entered the commercial marketplace for civilian usage. While the more powerful grades of the material are still kept in military hands, the lesser grades are made available to the public, either through purchase through a direct vendor or second-hand seller. 


Because civilians are given the less potent instances of Calcite, their uses are limited. The most common uses are using the material as a fire-starter, an instant cooker, fuel for homes, pest control and medicinal balms to ward off extreme cold. Some civilians also use the material in jewelry, integrating it into their necklaces, rings or bracelets, while others use the crystals themselves. 

There is a debate within the civilian sphere that access to higher-grade Calcite should also be made public. Supporters argue that the current uses are too limited, and that it's unfair to restrict the more practical uses to military members. Skeptics argue that allowing the public to obtain more powerful Calcite would increase risk of improper use. The debate is a fiery topic between the two sides, but so far the decision to limit access remains unchanged.


Members of the military are afforded more powerful formations of Calcite. These formations are the prime candidates that showcase the true power of the mineral. Significantly large chunks can be used as explosive projectiles or bombs, negating the need for casings, fuses and other chemical composition. Weapons either created with Calcite or tempered with Calcite at a later date are a right reserved for the best soldiers of the military or members of Rank III or higher Dracoguard members. These weapons possess none of the drawbacks that normal formations of Calcite do. They were formed using the ideal recipe and perfectly refined by talented hands. The only danger to these weapons is being in close proximity to certain other minerals such as Frostium/Icite, the natural opposite mineral to Calcite. No matter how well-formed and refined a mound of Calcite is, being within close proximity will cause both materials to have a volatile reaction and explode with killing force.      Calcite weaponry is also effective at killing creatures vulnerable to fire. Hydra's and their variants lose their regenerative properties when a head is decapitated using one of these weapons. Trolls and other self-healing monsters share this weakness. Other creatures such as Demons and Devils fear a Calcite blade, as the powerful flames within are capable of searing through their protective skins. Calcite weapons actually seem to have a taste for flesh that is normally resistant to flames, as they leave much more grisly wounds upon these creatures than they do to others that have a typical weakness to fire and flames. The reason for this phenomena is unknown, but not unwanted.    Another use the military has for Calcite is medicinally. While the public also has access to medicines using Calcite, they are not able to procure tools inlaid with Calcite. Medics within military divisions sometimes have kits with tools crafted out of the material. When activated, a properly-made medical tool allows for instant cauterization of wounds that would normally take too long to clot naturally. These tools are life-savers in the thick of battles when a healer such as a Cleric are unable to assist a battalion of wounded soldiers. Painkillers infused with trace amounts of Calcite have also seen some use within the military. The small amounts of the mineral inside seem to create an adrenaline affect that also blocks pain receptors in the brain. Further research is still being conducted on whether or not this could become addictive, but results are promising.  

Weapon Creation

The rarity of these weaponry is matched only by how difficult they are to procure and create. First, a suitable amount of perfectly-formed Calcite must be located. While it forms inside of the Calcite pass relatively often, it must still be located, extracted and transported in ample time. Then the process of refining it and tending to it must be completed. Lack of care during this step can either cause the Calcite to lose its properties, or increase them to catastrophic quantities. After it has been properly cared for, only then can it be molded to the proper shapes which will then be sculpted or tempered into weapons. Only two blacksmiths throughout Draconia have demonstrated the talent to forge the weapons, both of which are under contract with the military for their services.


A chunk of refined Calcite, ready to be processed.
100 GP per gram (Low Quality), 1000 GP per gram (Standard Quality), 250 Platinum per gram (High Quality)
Common (Low Quality), Rare (Standard Quality), Extremely Rare/Not Available in standard mines (High Quality)
Burnt leather, uncleaned chimney and boiled blood
Smoky and charred meat
Black rock formation surrounding vibrant red veins (As ore ). Shining crimson/pink crystalline shards (as refined mineral)
Boiling / Condensation Point
6000 Fahrenheit (Boiling)
Melting / Freezing Point
3598 Fahrenheit (Melting)
Common State
Most commonly found in a solid ore, but occasionally found as a crystalline solid.
Alternative Names
Pyrite, Magmium
Are you tired of your Red Dragonborn neighbor constantly shooting flames in your face? Well then you need to buy the new CALCITE MOUTH WASH!! Formulated with only the purest forms of Calcite available for commercial use, you too can spit flames at people who annoy you! No more struggling to light a match or strike an ember with your crappy stick of flint. Get ahead of the game and always have some handy-dandy fire with you, with new CALCITE MOUTH WASH!! Not responsible or liable for any personal injury inflicted upon yourself or others with this product. Not an endorsed product by the Chromaticos Medicinal Department.
— Advertisement for Calcite products

The Calcite Rhyme

♫ Eternally burning fight ♫   ♫ You never seem to let me down ♫   ♫ With you I never suffer a plight ♫   ♫ Even as your flames rack my town ♫   ♫ Calcite, Calcite~ ♫   ♫ With it, no dragon will stand your bite~ ♫   ♫ And once you've won, we'll call you Ralbas Lite! ♫   ♫ Calcite, Calcite~! ♫  

The First Blade

It is rumored that the first blade of Calcite belonged to the first Red Dragon Overlord Ajax Cinderclaw. While any public records of it existing have been lost to time, the story goes as follows: Ajax forged the blade by diving into the deepest parts of Alezar's mines. While in the depths of the pools of magma, he took the ores that survived under such intense heat and melted them down himself. Once he returned with his materials, he sent his most talented Dwarf slaves into a subterranean workshop thousands of feet underground.   After fifteen years of being underground, the Dwarves emerged, brandishing a beautiful, yet horrifying sword. A shining red blade that glowed like boiling blood, a hilt that looked like it had been singed and burned by lava. Along the blade, Dwarvish runes with protection and offensive enchantments powered by the Dwarven Gods. The tip of the blade was serrated such that a small graze would lacerate skin. The powers that the runes gave the sword were never transcribed or even spoken of in rumors. They were apparently too grim and disturbing to even be mentioned.   The blade was called Zalak'Dren, Fiendish Cannibal. It was said to have been named by Ajax after he killed a Balor and Pit Fiend with it in the same battle.


Author's Notes

I know nothing of pressure measurements, so I have no idea if 29 PSI is even relevant or applicable in terms of being realistic. It was just the best measurement I could find after 30 minutes of googling. LMAO. If any geological nerds are out there and can give me a good representation of overburden pressure or whatever it might be called, I would highly appreciate it!

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Jul 4, 2023 07:57

Great article! I love the little tidbits of extra information. Also, that advertisement cracked me up good. XD

Jul 4, 2023 08:22 by Jordan C.

Yeah, I had a lot of fun crafting this one. I've needed to get it out for a while so my players would have the information. Damn you, procrastination! Luckily it paid off by being useful for SC :P

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