The Plains Geographic Location in Dosjorya | World Anvil
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The Plains


The Plains of Dosjorya lie east of the mountains and north of Deadland Desert. The forces that shape this region are for the most part similar to those that formed the neighboring desert, leading the Plains to be hot and dry, though its climate is less extreme thsn that of the desert.  
Because the northern stretches of Dosjorya's mountains do not rise as high as the southern stretches, the Plains do not endure as strong of a rain shadow effect as Deadland Desert, leading to a moderately hospitable region. However, the western expanse of the Plains are hotter and drier than much of Dosjorya and this has helped to discourage human expansion into this region. Grasses dominate this rather flat land and two species of Gendirlo call the Plains home, Habus and Meilacous. A few Sulendirlo also call this region home, most notably the Zougari which are sometimes hunted by Innena for their tough but flexible scaly skins as they make for excellent armor.   The Plains does not have many rivers but many lakes dot the landscape, providing ample water for the inhabitants. Those rivers that can be found tend to flow slowly and meander. Most water sources lie far beyond human maps; the only exception is the aptly named Snake Lake which is fed by a short river flowing out of the mountains.   The vegetation of the Plains appears to resemble that of the grasslands on the other side of Dosjorya's mountains, with grasses dominating the land. However, the grass here is very different, namely in lacking the mild poison that the grass on the other side of the mountains. For this reason, Gendirlo that live in the Plains grow sick if they eat the poisonous grass, as Habus are strictly herbivores and Meilacous are omnivores that prefer eating grass. Fewer trees can be found on the Plains than in other green places. Typically the only trees that can be found will be standing near sources of water.   As humans have never properly explored and mapped the Plains, it is unknown how large they are. Gendirl estimates are vague but place the Planes as larger than any single region other than the Ocean and perhaps Deadland Desert.  
The Empty Land
Many maps accessible to common folk do not contain much, if any, detail for both the Plains and Deadland Desert, leading to many believing that both of these regions are barren, desolate landscapes far beyond the bounds that humans are allowed to settle within. While human officials have tried, and failed, to gain more land east of the Great Achton River, none have ever tried to negotiate settling on a portion of the Plains and building a separate, self sufficient nation to ease population concerns. The main reason is that they did not want to open up a new place for settlement and have people risk traveling there only to slowly die from lack of food and resources.   Though many Gendirlo, and thus the Innena, know there is more to the Plains than the incorrect belief that they are empty, they also know there is little of value there and the Gendirlo that call the Plains home seldom leave their home for a number of reasons.

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Cover image: by Jen Wright


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