Lesser Eastern Species in Dorakor | World Anvil
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Lesser Eastern

The dragon "deities" of Enarak

Written by Skia

Lesser Eastern are a kind of Eastern dragons. They get their name from their smaller size compared to other eastern dragon species, but even so they are still decently long for dragon standards. They are known for being the most friendly dragon species when it comes to other races. They will in fact often help them grow and prosper, which is why they are considered deities by the humans from Enarak.
Lesser Eastern reference sheet by Skia

Basic Information


General description: the Lesser Eastern is a dragon with a long, serpentine body. It has a pair of horns on the back of the head and long ears. It also has fur on the back of its cheeks, on the eyebrows and on the neck, in the manner of a mane. Small spikes grow from the back of the head to the tip of the tail, while you can find bigger ones on the side of the limbs. It has some sturdy plates that protect the belly and the front of the limbs. The front paws have 3 fingers and so do the back ones. The sexual dimorphism in this species is pretty obvious, as the males have a pair of long whiskers, longer and bigger manes, and ramified horns. The females on the other hand have simple horns without branches, no whishers and shorter manes.
Physical variations: sometimes it may happen that the tip of the tail has a fur tuft instead of nothing

Genetics and Reproduction

Just like all the dragons, they are oviparous. One nest can usually have up to 2 eggs, but it's far more common for them to have just one. The colour of the egg varies depending on the colours and marking of the hatchlings. It takes about 60 days for each egg to hatch. The hatchlings will depend on the parents for at least a couple of decades, after which while still being very young they are able to freely leave the nest, find food and survive.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Lesser Eastern dragons grow at the same rate of other eastern dragons. It takes only 130 years to fully become adults. They can live up 1500 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Just like other eastern dragons, they prefer to live in cities with other dragons. That said, they usually prefer settlements close to rivers and/or forests.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like most eastern dragon species, Greater Westerns are omnivorous. How they obtain said food changes depending on the lifestyle of the dragons. City dragons are used to just buy what they need from markets and stores. Keriadrakudor, however, are usually forced to hunt or forage by themselves. Lesser Eastern however would never attempt to steal livestock from other races, as they find that dishonourable.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Unfortunately, Eastern dragons are very requested on the black market, as their helping nature has made humans from Enarak ban the hunting of these species. Those who do, usually go after the bones and organs, as they are sold on the black market as throphies or elixirs of immortality.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Lesser Eastern dragons are fairly uncommon, and they mostly live in the continent of Enarak.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Being an eastern dragon, its main ability is to spit boiling water. Water dragons, in fact, utilize high pressured saliva as a weapon. They have a sack inside their mouth that collects excessive saliva when not used, and they are able to split it at high speed to attack their preys or enemies. Eastern dragons in particular have the ability to heat it up thanks to a special organ, turning it into a high pressurized hot water. Its hearing and sight are also far more developed compared to a human. Just like the other eastern dragons, while they do have the Jacobson's organ, it doesn't seem very developed.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Being dragons, they share the major organizations with the other. You can read more about it here: Dragons

Beauty Ideals

Since the species displays sexual dimorfism, the beaty ideals change depending on the gender of the dragon in question. Males will be more attractive depending on the lenght of their wiskers and on the number of branches of the horns, while for the females it's the lenght of the horns. Nonbinary dragons will be considered more good-looking based on the shimmer of their mane.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The language spoken by Lesser Eastern is Draconic . Some of them may study other languages for their jobs but the main one is always Draconic. However, as other Eastern dragons, they speak the eastern dialect of draconic, so some words may sound different.

Common Etiquette Rules

It's a common etiquette to bow their head and wiggle the ears when greeting others.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

It's in their culture to always help others improve themselves. They will do whatever it takes to give others a hand, whether they are a dragon or not.

Common Taboos

It's considered a taboo for Lesser Eastern to hurt races who aren't dragons, unless it is for self defense. Also, since they are eastern dragons, it's considered extremely rude to touch another dragon's whiskers.


The history of Lesser Eastern is closely related to the humans of Enarak. Historically, they have helped them achieve a level of technologically advancement far more superior than the humans who live in Alaisor. While still not at the level of Wyvernians, they are around, if not slightly below, Eastern dragons when it comes to science, and it's all thanks to Lesser Eastern. Other Easterns, especially the ones from the Pentadactilia family, may not see this in a good light, as they would rather keep the secrets of technology to themselves. That never stopped the Lesser Easterns, however, as their helping nature keeps driving them to aid other races. This is the main reason why Lesser Easterns are considered deities on earth by the humans of Enarak. They also have a peaceful relationship with the human emperor of Enarak, to the point a the first Lesser Eastern child of the royal family usually spends their youth with them.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Unlike other dragons, they don't see other races as being lesser than them, just less developed. This is the main reason it seems natural for them to help other races to further improve themselves. They do this as they believe it is their duty as a more developed race, and not for others to be in debt with them. As such, they are often praised as deities from humans in Enarak. On the other hand, Wyvernians despise them the most, as from their view they are just leaking their science to others, even if it's not the case.
As a note, this helpfulness is not to be confused with the friendliness of the Hydras, as their relationship with other races is more akin to that of a mentor and their students.
Scientific Name
Chordata, Ignidentia, Longisauridae, Tridactilia, Tridactidraco parvus
Eastern dragon
1200 years
Related Ethnicities
Average height
6-8 m
Average length
Average wingspan
Common scale colours
red, golden, orange, light green, blue
Rare scale colours
white, purple
Eye colours
green, gold, blue, brown
Common markings
none, striped, piebald, golden tabby (tiger variation)
albino (very rare), melanistic (very rare), tortoiseshell (uncommon)


Primary element: water
Secondary (passive) element: wind
Attack: 3/10
Elemental attacks: 6/10
Defense: 7/10
Elemental defense: 7/10
Ground speed: 4/10
Aerial speed: -

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Cover image: Lesser Eastern reference sheet by Skia


Author's Notes

Hey there! For this week's article we are diving down for the first time in the deeps of Enarak, where Eastern dragons hail. Hopefully it will be fairly interesting. I know I already added a friendly species with hydras, but their relationship with other races is completely different from simple friendship. Anyways, see you next week!

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May 27, 2020 12:31 by TJ Trewin

Amazing illustration work!! I love the pattern variations

Journals of Yesteryear

May 27, 2020 13:20 by Skia

Thank you so much! It means a lot!

May 27, 2020 21:30 by C. B. Ash

This is an astounding article! The artwork, the writeup, all of it!

May 27, 2020 22:51 by Skia

Thank you so, so much! You're too kind!