Veneration Orbs Technology / Science in Dominalem | World Anvil
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Veneration Orbs

Cailte kneeled before the Legate. His skin was Gold and Blue in reverence to his leader. The ceremonial armor weight heavily upon him, and the anxiety of the advancing army tearing at his mind. This is an odd time for ceremony Cailte thought to himself. An army of his former people bearing down upon them, and the want to give him some sort for reward? It made no sense, but they rarley did that in Calite's experience.   The Legate trotted around him inspecting him. Armored barding mixing into a human breastplate and chain where horse legs met human torso. The general wore his black hair long, a protest to the conservative views of his culture, and admired Calite with calculating eyes. He stopped, standing right in front of Cailate then spoke in a commanding tone "Men speak of oaths and loyalties often? However, they seldom honor such things. I care not you were one of those who we seek to conqure, merely that you serve me faithfully. Can you give me this?" "You are tribe, legate. I have no home if not for the legion. I serve unquestioningly. My mana is yours." Cailite responded. This legate was unique, he did not separate the Mar from his monochrome soldiers, and he allowed them to keep their traditions. This man had earned Cailte's loyalty One hundred times over. "Very well" The legate announced, pulling out an orb from a near by chest. The orb shifted and spun as if expanding and contracting over its self a million times at once. The thing was incomprehensible, and visibly powerful. The legate grasped the orb in one hand, and placed the other on Cailte's head. He whispered a phrase, then power flooded into Cailte.   The hunger left him, he felt his muscles bulge and his skin grow tight. He the strength of a dozen Mar fill his veins, and seep out onto the ground around. The feeling was of struggle and satsfication, of defeat and triumph. The legate removed his hand from Cailte's head, and the power faded into a low drone, quietly waiting for it to be used. "Welcome to my Elite Guard, Cailte. Now get out there and fight!" Cailte did not hesitate, grabbing his ax and rushing out of the legate's pavilion he saw the chaotic scene of battle. He rushed into the fray jumping over the camp wall, eyes of shocked legionary's and Tribal warriors following him into the sea of Mar bodies. All was still, then he turned the world violent. Hours passed, and Calite stood with by the Legate staring over the sea of corpses. His body was panted in wounds that should have killed any Mar a thousand times over. The pain did not bother him. The hunger should have been agonizing. Calite looked over to the Legate, questions flooding his mind. Before he could ask them the Legate laughed and said "That was impressive. I expected something, but not that. You have been blessed by Sol's power my friend, I am glad to see you where not a waste of his essence." Calite had no idea what he was talking about, but he seldom understood the metaphors of southerns.


Orbs are used when the owner utters a pass phrase. Once the pass phrase is uttered targeted magical power floods into the person they are touching granting them the power of heros.
Access & Availability
It is theorized that their were millions of these orbs once. Now their are but a handful.
No one knows how these orbs were once made. The civilizations of the world know they are found in ruins of pre-forging cities and burial mounds.


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