Hella Brant Character in Domeris | World Anvil
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Hella Brant

Regional General (a.k.a. The Bloody Baroness)

Hella Brant, also known as the Bloody Baroness, is a Regional General in the Armed Forces of Domeris, overseeing the region of Aronica within Domeris. The youngest and most recently promoted of the six regional generals, her swift and brutal campaign against rebel elements within Aronica has earned her respect and fear in equal measure from the military. Hella wields Crush, a fearsome backsword and one of the most recent examples of a traditionally forged Crux.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hella is a physically fit woman of short stature. Though her normal physical strength is average at best, it is greatly enhanced while she wields her Crux. Her reflexes are almost supernatural, and she is capable of moving at a surprisingly fast speed on foot.

Special abilities

Hella shows a disregard for military discipline and the chain of command to a degree that would get her executed, if she were a normal officer. She continually ignores critical aspects of command such as logistics to the detriment of her forces and shows no interest in correcting this matter. Luckily for Hella, she is anything but a normal officer. Hella is a human battering ram, unrivaled in the art of applying pure brute force. Her strategies may be simple, but they are so overwhelmingly focused on the perfection of the attack that her enemies rarely get to put any complex plan into motion. Hella identifies where her enemies are weak, and simply applies pressure until they break.   Hella is also unique in being the only Regional General to regularly take the field. This presents an extreme risk, if she were to meet her match on the battlefield the entire region would crumble within days. But Hella has yet to meet her match in single combat, for she is a combat savant. With the power of Crush there is no defense she cannot breach, no way of dodging her attacks. Pure aggression must be met with pure aggression, and Hella has yet to find anyone able to match her in that department.

Apparel & Accessories

Hella wears a modified Domerian officers' uniform while on active duty. The standard six-button tunic has been tailored to account for her short stature, and a short red half cape has been added.   When in combat she dons the standard Crux wielder Cuirass and helmet, supplementing it with custom designed metal arm and leg guards. While not as protective as a full suite of armor, when amplified with Crush the armor does present a formidable defense against incoming strikes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hella's official records within the military are spotty at best, and there are no records of her life before her military service. Although rural Aronica is hardly known for excellent record keeping, doubly so during the old royal administration. According to the woman herself, she was born in a small village only to have both her parents die during The Bleeding War. Hella drifted around from town to town until being grabbed by a conscription officer when she was 17 years old, thus starting her military career.   Aside from a few disciplinary incidents, her first few years in the military passed without much to note. This would all change during a reconnaissance patrol she was assigned to when she was 20. Her patrol was ambushed and Hella herself was grievously wounded and left for dead by her attackers. A few days later she would return the favor, having found and bonded with Crush in the preceding days. Hella singlehandedly slaughtered an entire rebel encampment before returning to her assigned base, ready to receive new orders.   Hella was fast tracked into the Crux pilot program and would go on to cut a bloody path through Aronica for the next few years, proving to be exceptionally well bonded to her new Crux. Her abilities eventually catching the attention of Doran Regnar himself, who personally ordered her promotion to Lieutenant General. It wasn't long before she was in command of all Domerian forces within Aronica, steadily crushing the once vibrant rebellion within the region.


Hella never received a formal education, though she would learn to read and write during her military service. Beyond that, Hella categorizes knowledge into two categories. Things she needs to know, and things her aides need to know. Hella recognizes strategy, tactics and combat technique as things she needs to know. Everything else is more of a problem for her aids than for her.

Personality Characteristics


Hella is motivated by her attachment to Doran Regnar, adrenaline and hedonism. Combat gives her an unrivaled rush, and so she takes the field even if it is flagrantly the wrong move in battle. She works for a regime that is hated by the inhabitants of her region simply because they pay her well and let her get away with whatever she wants within her little fiefdom.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Halle is quite possibly the most skilled Crux combatant on the continent, though there are several others who could equally lay claim to that title. In addition to her dueling skills, she maintains a rigorous exercise regime and is surprisingly strong for a woman of her stature. Hella is a proficient acrobat, a prerequisite for high level Crux combat and is a crack shot with a rifle. She is also proficient in small unit tactics and strategy, though some would hesitate to liken her commands to anything resembling strategic thought.   When it comes to the bigger picture of warfare beyond the operational level, Hella has no real talent to speak of. She finds the subjects of logistics to be boring and has no interest in aligning her strategy with the political landscape within Domeris or within the wider world. Her propensity for risk taking also presents an obvious weak point, as if she were to die her entire region would likely collapse to rebel control within a few weeks, hardly a glowing recommendation of her abilities at counter insurgency.


Social Aptitude

Halle is fundamentally a casual person and finds formal settings or language to be exceptionally irritating. It's a wonder she was able to survive military service at all with so few disciplinary incidents. She enjoys getting a rise out of other people, especially when doing so also allows her to flaunt her own lack of discipline or formality. Despite all this, she is surprisingly easy to get along with, and quickly forms friendships with those who are tolerant of her antics.


Hella Brant

Freind (Vital)

Towards Doran Regnar


Doran Regnar

Freind (Trivial)

Towards Hella Brant



Doran witnessed Hella's aptitude for Crux combat during a routine tour of the Aronica garrisons. For her part she initially mistook him for some lesser general, and thus chatted with him through her usual casual demeanor when he approached her.   Doran was amused and decided against executing her. Instead, he gave her a promotion and followed her career with dethatched interest, before eventually promoting her to a Regional General and putting her in charge of Aronica.   Hella greatly enjoys Doran's company, as he is about as likely to flaunt formalities as she is and has come to view him as a mentor figure. Out of all the regional generals she is the most loyal to Doran and is fully dedicated to carrying out his vision.

Current Location
Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned
Aligned Organization
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