The Greens Disease Condition in Domen Aria | World Anvil
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The Greens Disease

The Greens Disease is an infection caused by a virulent strain of parasitic algae. This ailment ravaged the isolated islands of the town of Knotline until a cure was found by the famous healer Clararton Bartolara approximately 200 years ago.

Transmission & Vectors

Transmission occurs through open wounds that come into contact with contaminated waters containing the unusual algae. Stagnant coastal bays seem to be the main locations that this disease has been found in so far.


Sunny stagnant, saltwater bays allow for the fast breeding of this type of algae that often results in several mutations that can infect an individual through any cuts or open wounds.


Anyone who is infected by this parasitic algae will begin to develop a green rash as the algae grows just beneath the surface layer of the skin. Here it is protected from most of the elements but is still kept moist and able to harness the suns light. Over time the infected develop fevers, sweats, and itching across the skin. The victim slowly becomes tired, weak, clumsy, and eventually resorts to laying down and not moving. They lack the energy to move or eat and slowly wear away and eventually die of malnourishment, dehydration, or other environmental factors.


Clararton Bartolara developed a treatment system for the town of Knotline when it was affected by an outbreak of this disease. The treatment involved having the infected remain indoors and away from all light for two weeks. During this time they were exposed to hot dry fires every six hours and then wrapped in salted linen afterwards. Additionally healing spells were cast upon them once a day.

Affected Groups

All humanoids are subject to possible infection.  Reptilian and avian humanoids are usually more resistant to the disease due to their thicker skin and scales.

Hosts & Carriers

Any aquatic animal may carry the algae but it is usually washed off as they move through the water. Animals that remain in the stagnant waters have a much higher chance of carrying the infection. Any humanoids in the waters that have open wounds have a significantly high chance of contracting the ailment and will most likely do so.


The best way to prevent this disease is to avoid stagnant marine waters, especially if someone has any open wounds or sores.


So far this condition has not been known to be able to be passed from person to person.  Only those in direct contact with the infected waters have a chance of contracting this disease.

Cultural Reception

When people first hear of their fellow citizens contracting this disease they are usually immediately afraid of contracting the strange disease and reactions to the infected usually range from concern to outright avoidance.  After the discovery of a cure by Clararton Bartolara people are now less afraid and immediately send for a healer to begin the treatment process.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare
Affected Species


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