Shield Of The Lost Cavalier Item in Domen Aria | World Anvil
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Shield Of The Lost Cavalier

"Shield Of The Lost Cavalier"   A powerful magical shield used by a wandering cavalier. No one knows the item's origin, or the origin and destiny of the one called "The Lost Cavalier". The shield is rumored to have been given to the knight by a mysterious fellow to aid in his journey. A journey to where, or from where, no one knows. The more cynical claim it was to find fame and fortune, others say that he was just trying to make his way home. As we have not heard of his success, or name, or even final resting place, we may never know the truth about the tragic "Lost Cavalier".   If the old chroniclers are to be believed, the shield was of medium size and triangular is shape. Made of a supposedly godly golden metal and perhaps, bearing a griffin's head symbol it the center. It is said to have the power to deflect incredible impacts, dragon fire, and demon attacks. If the stories are true, what a mighty defense such a thing could provide to the people of our world.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Unique one of a kind artifact.
Raw materials & Components
Unique one of a kind item created out of a powerful unknown magical metal.


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