Serrasaurus Species in Domen Aria | World Anvil
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“What an opportunity it has been to study these magnificent creatures. So impressive and their serrated wedges are a remarkable adaptation. If I don’t make it back, I pray that my journals do.”
— Torten Paleos, cryptodiviner, explorer, and scholar of hidden species.
    The Serrasaurus is a large monstrous, reptile-like creature that scholars are now classifying as a dinosaur from the fabled continent of Dinos. So far these animals are more rumor than fact and few have had the opportunity to see them first hand.   This new species is supposedly an herbivore and spends most of its time eating and basking in the hot sun of its equatorial home. It is most often recognized by its spinal wedges that resemble the serrations on some saw blades, these similar looks have led to its naming.

Basic Information


The Serrasaurus is a large, squat and heavily built creature externally resembling a strange lizard. This species has 4 short but powerful legs, a long tail, a thick neck, and blunt head with a large serrated horn extending from its front. The hide is extremely thick and has armored wedges that run the length of its back to the tip of its tail. Several lateral and rib scutes protect its sides. Its mouth is filled with squared off teeth and its eyes are wide spaced on the sides of its head.   The sharp, keratin covered, bone dorsal wedges are not only for protection from predators, but additionally act as a means of thermoregulation and controlling the heat flow into and out of the animal. These wedges also have the ability to flush red with blood during the mating season in an effort to attract mates or to warn others of danger as potential predators approach.

Genetics and Reproduction

Little is known of the mating habits of these enormous beasts, but what has been reported is that much like birds, they do tend to build nests, lay eggs, and protect the nests and young hatchlings. These nests are often raised, bowl shaped depressions made of dirt that is lined with grasses. From 6 to 10 calcite shelled eggs are usually laid in the early spring with about half hatching in 4 months’ time.

Growth Rate & Stages

This slow growing species has three main growth stages, the sub-adult stage, the young adult stage, and the old adult stage. The sub-adult stage has very small hide armor and wedges at this time. During the transition to the young adult stage there is quick growth of the hide armor and a thick and sharp keratin sheath covers the bony dorsal wedges, scutes, and spikes. During the old adult stage the protective hide armor has stopped growing and begins to wear down, often becoming rounded in many places.

Ecology and Habitats

These cold blooded beasts are said to favor warm and semi-arid environments with distinct wet and dry seasons far from civilization. They can be found feeding in large flat grasslands or even along conifer lined river valleys. However the most likely locations to discover them in would be in the forgotten prairies and wild savannahs of the equatorial regions.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Based on what adventurers have seen of the mouths and teeth of this creature, it is believed to be an herbivore that may occasionally eat slow and small animals such as worms, grubs, and insects. Its most common meals include grasses, fungi, mosses, fruits, ferns, tree ferns, and in desperate times even small saplings, shrubs, conifer branches, and eggs.

Biological Cycle

In times of cold weather or scarce food this species will migrate to warmer areas or places with a more plentiful food supply. Once the migration instinct has been triggered, others of its kind in the same location will also begin migrating at the same time.


This species usually has a high tolerance for others of its kind, often migrating, nesting, sleeping, and eating together. They only become territorial towards one another while searching for mates or when food becomes scarce.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Witnesses describe these animals as generally living alone and occasionally traveling in small groups of mixed ages, similar to some bird species.  They most often come together during migration or when feeding.


There are no records of this species ever being domesticated in any way.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Being that this is such a rare and unusual creature, few have been able to use or exploit it meaningfully yet. One can imagine that this species would be highly sought after for display in local museums or zoos, as well as serve as a terrifying beast to amuse the crowds in gladiatorial combats. However recent accounts surmise that some have begun to hunt the creature for its large forward horn. They say that it can imbue magical abilities, prolong life, and even cure all diseases if properly prepared.

Facial characteristics

This animal has a large blunt head with a large mouth filled with squared off teeth for eating and grinding up plant matter. There is also a distinguishing, large serrated spike or horn that protrudes from the tip of its nose area.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Serrasaurs and many others can be found in only a few isolated locations worldwide. The most reliable reports place them on the fabled island continent of Dinos and the nearby islands in the mists of the uncharted Vastus Ocean. Less reliable adventurers tell tales of the monstrous beasts being sighted in and around the remote jungle nations of Mokele and Mbembe.

Average Intelligence

Having one of the smallest brain to body size ratios, it is believed to be one of the slowest minded animals and has a very limited intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Little is known about this strange creatures senses. It is assumed that they have good hearing and eyesight to warn them of approaching predators. Having their eyes placed on the sides of their heads allows for a greater range of vision, but limits their depth perception. So they may see animals coming from a wider area, but cannot easily tell how far away they actually are.
Scientific Name
Dinosauria Stegosaurian Serrata
Many believe this, and similar creatures, to be some of the left over experimental beasts of the ancient Goliaths.
The estimated lifespan of these creatures is about 50 years under optimal conditions.
Conservation Status
This species is not under any kind of governmental protection or conservation laws. Very few have heard of its existence and of those who have, even less are inclined to believe it to be anything more than just a tall tale.
Average Height
This large creature stood about 9.5 feet tall.
Average Weight
Due to its great size and bony armor these animals are estimated to weigh around 4 tons.
Average Length
This species has been rumored to grow to approximately 18 feet in length.
Average Physique
This is a large 4 legged reptile like creature with thick skin and a heavily armored hide.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Serrasaurus appears to have dull, dark green skin and scales with yellowish-beige side scutes. Their armored back, tail, and rib wedges tend transition from green into a mottled pink.
Geographic Distribution
“There’s really no civilization or human interferences here. Should we really be investigating and disturbing this land? How will these animals react? What has our presence here changed already? We saw many animals the first day inland, but fewer and fewer each day, now we must push farther inland to find them. That’s where the dangerous ones are, they say.” 
— Mika Criten, researcher and scribe.

Cover image: by by me from Midjourney


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