Black Flame Candle Item in Domen Aria | World Anvil
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Black Flame Candle

The Black Flame Candle     A black candle with a thick red wick, that when lit produces a hot, black flame and has the scent of burning flesh.    


Once lit, any magic illuminated by the flame can be seen the possessor of the candle. This includes magical writing, invisible objects or creatures, possessed individuals, illusions, and magical wards, as well as other magics. It also allows the possessor to see normally in darkness even in that of magical darkness.


When properly snuffed out, the candle may last for a total of 6 hours. Proper snuffing requires the pricking of thumb and forefinger and using the blood to pinch out the flame. Otherwise the candle will stay lit and burn for the duration, even underwater.

Manufacturing process

The creation of this unholy item is a closely guarded secret, but some details have emerged over time as to its basic construction. The candle is created through a hidden magical process that uses the fat and tallow of a cursed, dying man for the waxy candle body and uses a wick made from the blood soaked robe of a priest. The cursed man must be dying and not dead, the collection of the fat and tallow often kills the man in the process and collection after his death will be ineffectual and useless. However, the priest need not be alive, but the robe must be fully soaked and that most often occurs during and/or slightly after his death.
Item type
Consumable, Magical
Extremely rare and hard to find, even in the most unscrupulous of black markets.
Base Price
250 g.p.
Raw materials & Components
The two main ingredients are an usual combination and are somewhat disturbing and difficult to collect. The first is the fat and tallow of a cursed, dying man and the second is a robe of a priest, soaked in his own blood.
by by Shed some light, Shed some hope

Cover image: by by PerpetualStudios


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