February logbook | Domātājs | World Anvil


Happy February! While I posted my focus and goals for 2024 month, I still want to start a monthly logbook. I'm leaning towards a single article a month, that I update as I go, instead of seperating the plan and the review into two. If I don't like it I can always change my mind later!   As for personal things that might hinder my worldbuilding time this month, I'm getting another tattoo (or three) on the 15th. It's on my right forearm but I'm crossing my fingers it won't limit my ability to type for too long. I also have an extra work event taking up a weekend.  

To dos

Make a bingo card card for Focus, goals and bingo
Reference document for WA
Reference page for BBCodes
Reference page for CSS
Reference for theme/elements
Finish 3 entries for Cabinet of Curiosities
Continue working on CSS/theme
Simple hover preview of articles
Category pages
Streamline articleboxes
Change tootltips design to contrast article backgrounds
Code mini timeline
Organize old notes
Finish one article from my goals
Begin working on World primer
Begin working on Dasav
Write Domātājs
Decide on clean URL vs correct name Going with the clean URL. Also changed my username from ekkonoel to noelekko, to match my discord username.
Change layout of category pages to full column
Find new names for two continents
Organize articles and categories
Update new names of continents
Decide on organization method for continents
List article symbol key on Theme
by Anik Labreigne


Cover image: by Anik Labreigne


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