Parnath Barrens Geographic Location in Dolanth | World Anvil

Parnath Barrens

Once a rolling landscape of green hills and fertile valleys, now an arid and desolate wasteland. During the Great War the Elves used terrible weather magic to devastate this region in an attempt to destroy the humans main food source. No rain fell for months and the temperature skyrocketed, the farmlands fell barren and were abandoned. The humans tried to use magic of their own to undo the elves handiwork but this just made matters worse as the competing magics created highly unstable weather patterns over the region. To top it all off, the barrens is also home to an Anomaly.

Any one travelling across Dolanth avoids the Barrens at all costs. The presence of a large pre-war town in the barrens, does draw the odd scavenger and adventurer, however very few ever return and none with any treasure worth talking about.


Bearing little resemblance to it's former state, the barrens is now 75 miles of dry crumbling hills and cracked, dusty valleys. Still no rain falls and all the water sources have long dried up. In the middle of the Barrens a 2 mile diameter of dust storm permanently rages. A dry wind blows across the landscape upon occasion, further eroding the crumbling hills and thickening the air with dust. The temperature in the Barrens seems to remain abnormally high, making travel in this region doubly hard.

Fauna & Flora

Nothing grows in this land apart from a few stunted trees and shrubs at it's outer perimeter. The only signs of life are tales of strange bodyless entities, spotted floating across the landscape by those stupid or unfortunate enough to find themselves in this wasteland. Some say they are the ghosts of the long dead inhabitants of this place, others that they are magical creatures. Whatever they may be, none have encountered them up close and lived to tell the tale.
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