Thar Ashaela Character in Divostra | World Anvil
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Thar Ashaela

(a.k.a. Mother of Krakens, Drowner of Souls, Sea Bitch, Storm Hag)

Thar Ashaela is a lesser evil god of the sea and storms whose temples can be found in coastal communities around the Tharaeshal Ocean which bears her name. Thar Ashaela is feared by sailors and other seafaring travelers for her malevolent, capricious nature and is known as the Drowner of Souls thanks to the many shipwrecks and other natural disasters that have been attributed to her power.   A greedy and vainglorious goddess, Thar Ashaela demands offerings to appease her wrath and calm the tempestuous waters of the Tharaeshal. These offerings range from something as innocuous as offerings of treasure up to darker practices such as the ritual drowning of prisoners and slaves. While the goddess liberally offers promises of safe passage or visions of wealth hidden beneath the ocean, Thar Ashaela does not feel compelled to honor her agreements with her followers. She is known to guide sailors toward supposed sunken treasure, only to lure them into the jaws of her nautical monstrosities. Whole towns of devout followers have been washed away in terrible storms, swallowed by the sea on the whims of the Drowner. Even so, worship of her continues; her followers fear the full extent of her wrath if their devotion should wane.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Thar Ashaela's symbol is that of two waves breaking against one another.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Thar Ashaela seeks ever greater power, never satisfied with her wealth or the number of devotees to her worship. She sends her followers to wage war with the faithful of other sea gods, so that she might claim divine rule over all the oceans in Divostra. Thar Ashaela is aware of the Elemental Plane of Water and seeks the power to undo Asgorath's Ban so that she might slay the ancient titan Istishia, whom the Drowner of Souls believes is a threat to her rule.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thar Ashaela appears as a pale grey, soaking wet triton woman in a deep green dress, with several bundles of cephalopod tentacles in place of arms and legs. Her face is obscured by her hair made up of kelp and seaweed; tangled within the vegetative mass is a rusted silver crown encrusted with glowing emeralds. She holds a lantern in her left tentacle-arm which glows a sickly green color, while in her right she clutches a bident made of storm-black metal, its prongs wickedly curved and serrated like shark's teeth.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thar Ashaela was once a triton woman who lived in the ancient city of Cravos beneath what is now the Tharaeshal Ocean. A high priestess at the Temple of Waves, she was the messenger of Istishia for the people of Cravos. As a mortal, she had an intense connection to the creatures of the deep, and was famous within the city for her abilities which kept Cravos safe from destruction by krakens and other monstrosities. When Istishia came to Thar Ashaela demanding the king of Cravos offer his soldiers to fight in the Titanomachy, the king declined and ordered the high priestess imprisoned and the Temple of Waves destroyed. In a rage, Istishia opened a chasm beneath the city that swallowed Cravos. The Titan chose to spare his priestess, instead turning Thar Ashaela into one of his krakens and forcing her to fight in the titans' war.   As a kraken, Thar Ashaela was infamous among sailors navigating the waters of southern Divostra. Her notoriety spread and as it did the kraken would become a Thaumic Locus drawing on the power of the Thaumic Weave. Even after the Titanomachy ended, the infamy of Thar Ashaela endured and the kraken ascended to a lesser god, ruling over the ocean that now bears her name.
"Everything that is was borne of the ocean; all of creation is my plaything."
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mother of Krakens (Primordial: Tharaema Isushaela)
Drowner of Souls (Draconic: Thirakmish di Esheolyk)
Sea Bitch (Dwarvish: Tharrbikksaja)
Storm Hag (Elvish: Vaya'curuni)


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