Fel'drakkit Species in Divostra | World Anvil
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The Fel'drakkit is a large mammal native to the forests and mountains of northern Divostra. Distant descendants of ancient dragons, a fel'drakkit is a hybrid of a large wild cat and a small drake.

Basic Information


The fel'drakkit is a large, reptilian quadruped. Its snout resembles that of a young, hornless dragon while it has a pair of elongated, fluffy ears on top of its head and whiskers sticking out from its draconid muzzle. Compared to its ancestors, a fel'drakkit's forelimbs are lengthened and end in feline paws with curved retractable claws; all of these adaptations allow the fel'drakkit to climb trees more quickly than its ancestors.   An adult fel'drakkit's tail makes up about half its body length. The tail is tapered at the end with four thick spikes sticking out of the tip.   Fel'drakkit are covered in a layer of brown or grey fur, with the texture of the fur growing coarser the older a fel'drakkit ages. Jagged, rocky plates cover the spine of adult fel'drakkit from the back of its scalp down to its tail spines. These spines create a natural armor strong enough to withstand the claws, talons, and teeth of other predators, while also helping to regulate the fel'drakkit's body temperature. Beneath the fur and spines, a fel'drakkit has a tough, leathery hide.

Growth Rate & Stages

A fel'drakkit is dependent upon its mother until it is around two years old. At one year old, fel'drakkit cubs will start to hunt, though their bodies aren't able to take down any creature larger than a rabbit until they reach two years of age. Upon reaching adolescence, fel'drakkit begin hunting rabbits, mice, and other small prey and actively consuming their kills. Fel'drakkits reach adulthood at around eight years and can live upwards of sixty years.

Ecology and Habitats

Fel'drakkit prefer old growth forests filled with large trees in which they make their nests. They have been known to venture into mountainous regions in search of food, with some populations of Fel'drakkit living in caves near ample sources of prey. The species is predominantly found in cold climates in the northern regions of Divostra.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fel'drakkit are apex predators. They prefer to hunt live prey but have been known to eat carrion when live food is not readily available. Fel'drakkit usually hunt in small packs, stealthily stalking prey from the treetops before dropping down from above in an ambush. Fel'drakkit will attempt to take down their prey in a single powerful attack and are known to retreat if their target puts up enough resistance, opting to let their prey die from its wounds before returning to feast on the corpse.   A solitary fel'drakkit is an able hunter but will target smaller prey animals that it can easily take down on its own. Packs of fel'drakkit are known to hunt larger animals that would pose a threat to a single fel'drakkit, such as moorbounders, dire wolves, or even bears.

Biological Cycle

A newborn fel'drakkit is nearly indistinguishable from a mountain drake, with leathery brown skin and the familiar draconid muzzle. Within the first few months it will grow its first coat of fur, much softer than that of an adult. As it ages, spines will grow along the fel'drakkit's back, with the length of the spines denoting the creature's age.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

If a fel'drakkit is separated from its parents early enough, it can be trained to hunt alongside sapient species. However, it is rare to find a domesticated adult fel'drakkit, as adults have been known to accidentally cause serious injury and even death to their handlers.   The druids of the Furriers are known to form bonds with domesticated fel'drakkits, treating them as companions and partners.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Fel'drakkit are crepuscular and have incredible low-light and dark vision, being able to see up to 300 feet in moonlight. A fel'drakkit learns from an early age how to rotate its ears independently of one another, allowing them to pinpoint the direction a noise is coming from with amazing accuracy.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Felis Draconis Majoris
50 years
Average Weight
150 lbs
Average Length
8.5 ft
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Brown or grey fur


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