Clift Campsite Building / Landmark in Disc Casters | World Anvil

Clift Campsite

This is Paitoon Channarong's campsite which is next to the Ocean Arena, that is one of the Kingdom Arenas on Caster's Kingdom Island.  
"I have hosted you why not one of you cast against me and a match for rose crystals?"
- Paitoon Channarong

Purpose / Function

This is where Paitoon Channarong can be found during the Caster's Kingdom Tournament he has a fire that is cooking the fish that he caught. He is using the cooking fish smell to lure rivals to the campsite so that he can challenge them for their Rose Crystals on the nearby Kingdom Arena.


He built a fire pit and has left some fish by it to roast while he fishes. There is also a small clothe tent that has been pitched a far distance from the fire.


Just a pitched tent and a campfire ring that uses some big logs for sitting around it.
Hospitality, Camping
Parent Location
Connected Rooms