Pre-Common Era Myth in Dierde | World Anvil

Pre-Common Era

9,000 YBKC –⁠ 5,000 YBKC The Third Cycle Pre-Common Era The Age of Heroes (and the Second Rise of Immortals). This is the Era where more records are kept and some history may be known by people. Mostly in large cities and scholarly circles, but it is the "ancient history" for this world analogous to our ancient history. The Era ends in great wars that would lead to the somewhat "peaceful" era of the Common Era. Now came the time where the dragon gods and the misplaced gods felt they needed to raise up their heroes. In each culture they found a few heroes, some who join the ranks of immortals. Some of these immortals found ways to escape this universe and others were “eaten” by D’erletztesøhn to feed his needs to come back. Many of the dragons not slain nor in slumber either moved to the Broken Isles and others left the planet to form a forth planet. They tired of the heroes who came to conquer them and Giae was grateful for them leave and so helped grant the necessary magics to create the fourth planet. The planet that was formed was a big deal in many cultures and led to many myths and other events. As the heroes and immortals rose to great prominence many different societies were formed in different regions and pockets. This led to   The Age of Exploration. The age of exploration is how many of the modern societies began, but it led to The Age of War. Many wars raged and great kingdoms rose and fell until a Romanesque kingdom began to spread. They allowed other cultures to retain their cultures and all they sought were taxes. This helped spread the common tongue, even though many retained their local dialects. In some regions there sprouted mixed languages, but this allows someone who speaks only Common to have a good chance in conversing with people in almost any region. Almost any. This mixing of cultures however led to some of the gods taking and collecting different species which they hid inside Hollow Erde. As the age of war settled and most cultures were complacent in the taxes, but benefiting off the peace and ability to better study things this led to the Common Era.