Rurousha Organization in Devonmire | World Anvil
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The Rurousha are a nomadic people who value freedom and independence, traveling across the land in small groups or tribes. They have a matriarchal society where women hold more power and authority than men, and family units are made up of a mother, her brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and her children. Children in the Rurousha society are raised within extended family units, and kinship and family structures are based on social and cultural connections rather than just biological relationships. The Rurousha worship Lecoharazon, the god of Patience, who teaches endurance, longsuffering, graciousness, and the value of being genuine. They have a rich cultural heritage that includes storytelling, music, and other forms of art, which are seen as essential to their way of life. Men still have important roles to play in the Rurousha society, such as hunting, trading, and other activities that require physical strength and endurance, as well as through their skills and knowledge. The Rurousha value authenticity and condemn disingenuous arguments, busyness, disconnection, and shallowness.


The Rurousha are a nomadic people with a matriarchal society. Family units are made up of a Mother, her brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and her children, and there is no role of "Father". Each group of Rurousha is called a Caravan, and they operate independently, traveling through different countries as sources of imported goods and trade. They have a strong oral history tradition and can name their female family lines back as many as 10 generations. Their Great great great grandmothers become almost mythological characters. The Rurousha also have strong spiritual practices centered around their god, Lecoharazon, who is the god of Patience. They've shaped their entire culture around Lecoharazon's principles, which include endurance, longsuffering, graciousness, and the value of being genuine.   Rurousha burn different types of incense in their evening campfires, with each type of incense having its own meaning. They also have a tradition of meditation and dance, with the hand drum being the foundation of all their music and dance rituals.   Lastly, the Rurousha have developed a ritual in which everyone gathers around and tells a suffering person stories about what a good person they are or things that they like about them, to remind them about how important they are and reconnect them to the group.

Divine Origins

The Rurousha are unknowingly following the ancient paths of the pilgrims who came before them. During the Dark Days, the pilgrims followed a specific road around the continent in order to cleanse the darkness. The practice was eventually lost, but those original roads were still travelled, long after people forgot the meaning of the journey.

Tenets of Faith

Endurance Longsuffering Graciousness Genuineness   Condemns: Disingenuous arguments Busyness Disconnection Shallowness


For the Rurousha, their entire way of life is centered around the principles of Lecoharazon, which can certainly be seen as a form of worship. By living their lives according to Lecoharazon's teachings, they are showing reverence and devotion to their god.    The Rurousha may not engage in formal worship practices as we traditionally think of them, but their way of life is a constant expression of their devotion to Lecoharazon.

There is Always Time

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