Adelaide Villa Building / Landmark in Devonmire | World Anvil
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Adelaide Villa

Adelaide Villa is a charming and elegant summer home nestled in the heart of Juneon, the bustling capital of Myst. It is a two-story, ivory-colored building with ornate architectural details, adorned with climbing vines that add a touch of natural beauty to the façade. The villa is surrounded by a lush garden with a profusion of flowers in various shades of pink, orange, and yellow, lending a burst of color to the urban landscape. As you enter Adelaide Villa, you are greeted by a grand foyer with high ceilings and polished marble floors. The interior is tastefully decorated with a mix of antique and contemporary furnishings, reflecting the Minot family's refined taste and appreciation for history. The walls are adorned with artwork, including portraits of past Minot family members, showcasing their proud lineage and legacy.   The villa features several inviting living spaces, including a cozy library filled with shelves of books, a formal drawing room for entertaining guests, and a sunlit conservatory that serves as a tranquil retreat for relaxation. The dining room is adorned with a large, ornate chandelier that casts a warm glow over the long, polished table, perfect for hosting lavish family dinners and gatherings.   The gardens surrounding Adelaide Villa are meticulously maintained, with winding paths that lead to hidden nooks and corners, offering peaceful spots for contemplation or leisurely strolls. There is also a charming patio adorned with orange and peach-colored umbrellas, providing a perfect spot for outdoor dining and enjoying the pleasant summer weather.   Adelaide Villa exudes a sense of grace, refinement, and warmth, making it a beloved summer retreat for the Minot family. It is a place where cherished memories are made, and the family's rich history and traditions are honored and preserved.
Mansion / Villa
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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