Umbra Charbonneau Character in Deus | World Anvil
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Umbra Charbonneau (əm'bɹə ʃɑɹ'bəno)

Umbra Shadow Charbonneau

"Usually [adventurers] wait for the villain to reveal their evil plan in a big fanfare, and then defeat them simply by being quickest on the draw. It's a miracle no mage has managed to take over the entire continent simply by not gloating.
— Umbra S Charbonneau
Umbra Charbonneau is a Human of heavily Umbran descent, though a significant portion of her family line going back generations consists of shadow elementals. She is currently a freshman at Beauchêne Wizards' College.

Umbra entered the Runes program at Beauchêne at the age of seventeen, and has been making quick progress in her studies over her first year. Outside of classes, and even in large part within them, she keeps to herself and avoids socializing with other students.

Physically, Umbra is notably tall, with pale, grayish skin and black hair that reaches most of the way down her back. Due to her shadow elemental heritage, her eyes have sclera that are almost black in color in addition to pure black irises. A black crescent-shape mark crosses her left cheek below her eye. She is almost always seen wearing wire-framed glasses and a dark blue cloak, within which silvery runes seem to float.

Umbra is severely law-abiding and exhibits resistance to any breach of rules or trust, even when the laws do not hold her best moral interests. She is also studious and hardworking, though this can flip into being willing to sacrifice her own well-being in order to complete tasks. Despite being withdrawn and typically hesitant to connect with people, she forms deep social relationships and easily gets excited about academic topics. Her speech can on occasion be snarky or peppered with mild disparagements, and she rarely sugarcoats her opinions, but she does tone such things down in the face of those she's not close with—unless she feels they're begging for harsh honesty.

Schools of Magic: Umbra's Opinions


Spoken Spellcasters

It's not as though I have anything against spoken-word magic. It's just... easy. It disgusts me, to hear someone speak of memorising a set of words as though it's inherently more difficult than more hands-on schools. Not as though spoken spellcasters are inherently narrow-sighted—I've met plenty who acknowledge it's a simple school and who are perfectly nice people.


Enchanting students scare me. They'll say something like, "I've got a sword due on Tsday, but I put it off too much so now if I work around-the-clock until then the most I can get is a ɣ, and that's if I'm willing to turn it in half an hour late," and they'll be perfectly calm about this as though they're not taking the most taxing class in the school. This is normal to them.


Alchemists, on the other hand, will say things like, "Oh, I know it looks as though I'm putting off work to party, but I've got a Second-Degree Philtre of Loudness in the third distillation phase, which I started two hours ago, so as long as I'm back by eleven and don't get too drunk, really I'm working on it while partying," and this both disgusts and scares me.


Obviously, runespell is my favourite form of magic. I'm devoting all my time to its study. I find it the most mentally exciting school—writing a proper spell is sort of like solving a puzzle. Not to mention it's not magically draining, so I don't have to wait to recharge while working on a particularly long spell.

Divine Spellcasters

Truth be told, I... well... I'm not sure how to... No! I don't look down on them. In truth I... I'll admit I envy them. To be trusted to much by a god, especially if one is not an avatar themself... to be able to cast spells without a conduit—actually, technically speaking the caster themself is the conduit, it's a fascinating subject with which I shall not bore you—I think... it's cool.

Natural-Born Mages

What am I meant to make of this? How can one have an opinion on a trait that is not chosen? It's as though you've asked me my opinion on Eagen or Arborans. And no, I'll not be dragged into the debate of whether they count as a school of magic. It is not my place.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Umbra's cloak is an enchanted gift from her parents. When runes are written on its surface, they sink into the cloak and are charged with magic. They can then be brought to the cloak's surface through touch, removed, and placed onto an external surface. The cloak itself cannot be affected by runespell.


Vici Gagnier

Partymate (Important)

Towards Umbra Charbonneau



Umbra Charbonneau

Partymate (Important)

Towards Vici Gagnier




God and Partymate (Important)

Towards Umbra Charbonneau



Umbra Charbonneau

Worshipper and Partymate (Vital)

Towards Coriil



Umbra Charbonneau

Partymate (Trivial)

Towards Vex Chaput



Vex Chaput

Partymate (Important)

Towards Umbra Charbonneau



Umbra Charbonneau

Partymate (Important)

Towards Felm Starchaser



Felm Starchaser

Partymate (Important)

Towards Umbra Charbonneau



Date of Birth
Lapis ɾ, 30 4C
Dark grey sclera, black irises
Very long, thick, straight, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very pale and desaturated
5'8 1/5"

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Character Portrait image: by StrixCattus


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