The Old Gods Myth in Deus Irae: Falling Night | World Anvil

The Old Gods

According to the tablet held by the Blue Lady, the Old Gods were the ones that had initially created our world. Formed it, populated it, and for a time watched over it.   This was a time before the gods we know today, and humanity worshipped these beings. Fighting for them, giving them tribute. Until the Old Gods grew jealous of what we had. A confusing turn of events to come from beings that had anything they could think of, I know.    Whatever they saw in us, they wanted to experience it themselves. So they broke themselves into thousands of tiny pieces, and let those pieces fall into humanity. That is where out modern gods come from. Those fragments awakening and granting power.    Some theorize that there are still Old Gods out there. There's no way that all of them would agree to such a move, right? Other's posit that there would need to be some number of them to keep the world running. Thinking it would grow cold and lifeless without some outside care. Generally considered crackpot, but also unable to be truly disproven.

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