Anthony Sigulda Character in Detourverse | World Anvil
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Anthony Sigulda

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has a muscular body thought not to buffed and is extremely agile, possessing enhanced senses and reflexes.

Body Features

Gray wolf with a white belly, hands, feet paws, crotch, tip of tail and ear tips, green eyes, long fluffy tail and long paw nails. He likes to cut his hand nails. His thick fur and body can naturally withstand snowy environments and extremely low temperatures, making him sensitive to warmer places, still, he was trained to mobilize in any kind of terrain without any complication, although he can actually pass out after just a few minutes in desert areas and suffer from an overwhelming dehydration in warmer areas.

Identifying Characteristics

At some point after he left the SF7, he was forced to wear a permanent locking metallic shock collar for the rest of his life, this collar is made of silver colored iron has a ring on both the back and front sides for a leash or a chain to be attached there, and right below the front ring lies a heart shaped pink crystal linked to the internal circuits of the collar, meaning that if it was to be removed or broken, it would electrocute him until it overheats, stops, goes back to normal and keeps electrocuting him for as long as the collar´s battery is still functioning, said battery runs out in about 100 years of constant usage.   Anthony can be electrocuted with the collar itself with a remote command without the need of tampering with the heart shaped crystal.

Physical quirks

He is ambidextrous and tends to walk with his head submissively pointed towards the floor and his tail between his legs most of the time but if provoked or in middle of one of his anger bursts he walks straight with heavy steps and sometimes even growling while doing so.   If in middle of a combat zone, he will mostly tend to keep a cool head and most of the times act and move accordingly to the situation.

Special abilities

First he has the Werewolf psyche, when he is not transformed, he has better senses than the normal wolf, enhanced strength and resistance that goes beyond normal and a slow but effective healing factor, when transformed, his healing factor speeds up, his strength and resistance grow to abnormally high levels up to the point that he can only be seriously injured by fire, silver made equipment, a powerful enough explosion, magic or someone or something strong enough to match his strength.   His healing factor allows for missing organs to grow back with the exception of the brain and for amputated limbs to be attached back to his body as long as said limbs are of his own, this healing factor can be slowed down by fire or silver equipment, as any damage made with any of them will heal at a way slower rate than normal, taking even days to do so.   In the case of silver, even if he is not directly hurt with it, his energy can be drained and the healing factor slows down by merely touching it, thus, being restrained with silver equipment will constantly keep him weak and with barely any energy to move at all, one thing that can be done with this is to harness the energy drained and stored inside the silver itself and channel it to another person, object, artifact or any kind weapon and enhance is effectiveness and in the case of a person, their energy or "Magic power" Will increase.   Aside the werewolf psyche, he can to a certain extend use magic and control a certain energy named the "Punch-Drunk" which can enhance the physical strength of any direct attack depending on how long and how many energy is put into the attack, ranging from a simple stronger than average punch or kick to a shock wave, a projectile made of the aura itself or even an attack strong enough to level up entire cities, but of course, this all would require huge amounts of energy and though it can work in theory, no normal person is able to store the amount of energy required to use it at its full potential, still, Anthony is able to push it beyond normal limits thanks to his werewolf psyche and all the extra amounts of power Dolfus can gather for him.   The Punch-Drunk´s color depends on the type of energy a person has and in the case of Anthony, part of his personality makes it take a strong pink color.

Apparel & Accessories

Apart from the metal collar with the pink shaped crystal, he likes to wear light gray or while shorts and a white jacket or button shirt

Specialized Equipment

He can usually wield, use and make maintenance to any kind of weapon, having a near perfect aim with them but having a preference for small guns he can carry around and easily maneuver with. When he does not cut his hand nails, they are thick and resistant enough to be used as a weapon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

At a young age, his mother was forced to abandon him, leaving Anthony with his father "Dakota" who loved him in an odd and cruel way.   He was raised to be a combatant, forced to be tough and act as the alpha male his father wanted him to become when all he wanted to do was playing with woodland creatures, photograph birds and being overall in peace.   He lived in a huge shack in middle of a snow forest in Rigantia, far away from any kind of town village, his father enclosed the area with electric fences to prevent him from going away and getting lost in the forest, there, Dakota gave him a harsh training, exploiting him both physically and mentally up to the point of getting Anthony to faint or break down into tears in middle of his exercises.   During his childhood little to no interaction with other kids at his age was made, Anthony´s only had two friends growing up, one of them was a cardinal bird named "Mia" that worked as a maid for his father, she was also in charge of taking care of him whenever Dakota had to leave home for work, they both developed a strong bond over the years, Anthony claims that the only way he could stop crying and get to sleep, was Mia singing him a lullaby and rubbing his head.   They stopped seeing each other when Mia had to quit the job and return to her home country due to a familiar emergency, leaving Anthony heart broken and depressed for some time.   The other person he used to talk to was his father´s coworker, a big tiger nicknamed "Dr. Lupus" who studied chemistry along Dakota and collaborated with him in some projects despite dedicating and focusing in his professional boxing career, Lupus felt pity for the way his father treated him and used to visit them whenever he had the time to both work with Dakota and spend time with Anthony mostly by playing with him, as the years went on and he grew up, Lupus trained him in boxing for at least a year and a half.   Growing fond of him Anthony began calling him "Uncle Lupus".   In his early teens, his father used to take him to hunt alongside a few other wolves he gathered to be his own personal group of "Self Defense" and after Anthony intentionally sabotaged one of the hunts by attacking the other wolves and allowing a deer they were trying to kill to escape, his father injected him with a hormone altering drug that would force him to become aggressive, have anger sprouts and at the same time, be controlled and tamed whenever he has a movement restriction, like cuffs or a straight jacket and to always fall unconscious whenever he hears the phrase "Time to hide, my wolf plushie", the intended goal with this was for him to stop being so passive and become the ideal hunter Dakota wanted him to be.   A few weeks later, Anthony was taken by his father to take part in some clandestine operations with the group he had created to target and eliminate certain people that managed to be found innocent in trials of crimes they had committed against military personnel, this kind of persons they went after always had bought their trial off or moved influences to make the jury declare them innocent, thus, they were not easy targets and normally had personal security hired to protect them. The group was also sent sometimes to assault guerrilla outposts in Scuila. Despite the group not agreeing with Dakota on having Anthony there, he proved to be more than a liability, and managed to contribute to their operations, proving that all the training his father gave him was worth something, nevertheless, Anthony currently claims that his operations with this group were a miracle, since he was only a teenager at the time with little experience and that if something went even a little bit wrong, he could have had the whole group, including Dakota, killed off.   This made him realize the faith and hope his father had on him, even if he expressed it in his own cruel, dangerous and twisted way.   During his early adulthood his father managed to include him in a Marine group after the experience he had obtained with the other group and after training him even more by himself, there, he worked as part of a counter terrorism group for over a decade and during this time, he was possessed by an entity from the Shadow Dimension named "Dolfus" Which would develop within him a split personality.   Early in his career as a Marine, he got stranded while in a mission, disappeared for a few days and eventually encountered a female vampire wolf whom he had a short affair with before going back to his team, maintaining contact with her and reuniting from time to time to catch up.   A few years later, his group was disbanded and he was given the chance of going out on retirement, shortly after, he got into a fight and was bitten by a werewolf, surviving the encounter and becoming one himself, developing a third personality in form of this beast that now took control over his body from time to time.

Gender Identity

He identifies himself as a male with an inclination to be somewhat feminine.


His desire to receive affection has lead him to become bisexual, seeking intimacy with either a man or a woman he develops a bond to.


During his teen years his father forced him to study and obtain a degree in psychology, at the time he turned 22, he was already an experienced combatant, obtaining most of his experience thanks to some "Unofficial" Operations his father would attend and drag him into.


Even thought he has a degree in psychology, he dedicated a whole decade to be a member of a counter terrorism group part of the Marine forces of Scuila, after he got out of the group, he wanted to dedicate to photography but ended up becoming a personal mercenary for another ex marine instead, not being able to keep himself out of trouble after many years of being immersed in a world of peril.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Many successful operations under the counter terrorism group of the Seal Force 7 "SF7".

Failures & Embarrassments

He was forced to kill unarmed people once in one of his early missions with the SF7 and then again on his last one, this facts have been haunting him ever since, then, he was possessed by an entity named "Dolfus" Which often makes his life a living hell by constantly mocking and fighting him inside his own mind and even getting so far as to sometimes taking control of his body in the form of a split personality or in some extreme cases, manifesting physically in front of him and everyone around as a separate being, then again, this situation got even worse when he became a werewolf, as he was now being forced to stand two other personalities which would take control over him from time to time.   He is ashamed of revealing his condition as a Werewolf or the mere existence of Dolfus to others.

Mental Trauma

Thanks to the way he was raised he didn´t managed to fully develop emotionally, thus, he sometimes desperately seeks affection in others and ironically, he developed a shy and timid attitude that prevents him from seeking the affection he wants, even getting as far as being afraid of talking to others and being soft and sensitive to the point of sometimes becoming a push over, that is, if the drug induced aggressiveness and anger sprouts do not kick in.   He states that even though he has education in the field of psychology, it did not help him to overcome or even dare to try to overcome all his flaws and does not want to practice this profession, as he claims to not have the confidence to do it and even if he did, he would not be able to work on it as professionally as he is supposed to be.   He also has a split personality which is in reality another being living inside of him named Dolfus and due to his werewolf condition, he would technically have a third personality, though this is more a total deprivation of his and Dolfus´s rational thinking and overtaking of his irrational and instinctive behavior than a fully developed personality.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is a very logical and deductive person, can think of any kind of strategies to overcome any dangerous situation he faces and even though his anger sprouts sometimes make him go reckless, he learned how to control it enough for it to not interfere that much with his rational thinking.

Morality & Philosophy

Over the years he learned the hard way that sometimes the goal justifies the means, he has no respect for the life of those who he considers to be criminals, thought he eventually developed a cynic view of life in which he would put his own interests over anyone and everything else every time he sees fit. This cynic and utilitarianism part of himself is hidden under his shyness and fake kindness mask he tends to put on. Nevertheless if he is in a group or team and has to work for or with them for whatever reason, he will truly care about them in most of the cases, and would, without a second thought, put the group´s interests over his own, even more when it means life or death to him, which was the case when he was in the SF7 group.

Personality Characteristics


Ever since his mother was forced to abandon him without him or his father knowing why, he set himself the goal of finding her, after a few years he had to accept the possibility that she might be dead, nevertheless, he wants to know what happened with her and where did she go and makes everything he can do in order to investigate. He claims that after he resolves it, all he wants to do is dedicate to photography and have a quiet and peaceful life.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Can put good use to his rational thinking in order to be able to do a good detective job, he is an experienced strategist and is good at reading people and deducting what they are up to. He is a self taught photographer, with a slight inclination to cinematography and is an outstanding basketball, Volleyball and golf player. He is clumsy at the kitchen and is a complete inept when trying to cook even the most basic of foods, he claims to have burned a pot when boiling water, sometimes he is a bit slow to understand what other people say to him as he has an attention deficit when not under pressure.

Likes & Dislikes

He likes silence, photography, playing with woodland creatures, sleeping in tree branches and hanging off them with his tail, read about geography, history and fiction in his spare time, play golf and basketball. Sometimes he even cross dresses in private, wearing all pink or purple skirts, bras, corset and high heel boots, painting his nails, beautifying his eyelashes and taking photos of himself while doing so. Aside from that, he also likes being tickled, even more if it is against his will and mercilessly.   He dislikes loud noises, being in middle of discussions, unnecessary confrontations, politicians, cannot stand watching someone mistreating an animal or talking bad about those he cares about, he hates liars, traitors and criminals overall.

Virtues & Personality perks

He is ambidextrous, can take up the mantle of leader and be good at it, not perfect, but good enough, he can use his rational thinking to get out of any situation and even when in one of his anger bursts, he can keep a certain degree of awareness that helps him out through the situation, can get to be a very patient person, has a near perfect aim with almost any weapon, is resourceful and can be really kind and caring to those who get to touch his feelings in a good way.   His split personality and werewolf condition can sometimes get in the way but over the years he has been able to take more control of this situation and keep himself, Dolfus, and the werewolf at bay.

Vices & Personality flaws

Over the time, he developed a fetish for bondage, he likes and developed an addiction to being restrained, getting as far as cuffing or muzzling himself when going to sleep, sometimes throwing away the keys of said equipment to a place he would have a hard time reaching to, this sometimes goes wrong and he has been forced to wait for someone to find and release him. When he became a werewolf he was actually forced to be chained every time he slept in case he would transform in his sleep and go out on a rampage.   Mostly due stress and PTSD, he started drinking about a few months before the SF7 was disbanded, he also found out that Dolfus does not manifest if he is drunk, all of this made him fall into alcoholism.   He tends to be cynical and does not mind to use others to do or get what he wants as long as it does not interfere with the interest of a group or team he is in or if it is about someone he cares about, although this does not happen often, as his shyness normally does not allow him to do so.   He gets easily nervous and anxious when talking to strangers and even more when he finds them attractive.

Personality Quirks

He barely laughs, but when he does, he laughs like a psychopath, he tends to scratch the back of his neck when nervous, habit that became obvious to other people, he also walks as if he was sad even when he is not.


Contacts & Relations

For starters, he could ask his father to contact some people for him but prefers to interact with him as little as possible.   He is also a close friend, almost family with the professional boxer "Dr. Lupus" Who not only knows many influential people because of his profession but he also has ties into the military given his relation to Dakota and the work they both have made for the government of Scuila.   After encountering Jessica Hurler while being stranded after a mission, he had a short affair that would latter develop into a romantic relationship, he saw a bit of his mother in her while Anthony himself reminded her of the only man she loved almost 500 years ago, they both kept in contact and even used to secretly hang out from time to time.   Then there is the people in his old Marine group, Anthony can contact them for help any time he needs.

Social Aptitude

As described before, he can be shy, can be cynical and sometimes tends to use people for his own goals, although his own shyness keeps him from doing it that often, he has anger bursts, likes silence, is good at reading people intentions even when he does not pay them that much of an attention due to his attention deficit but despite all that, he can be a good leader and have enough confidence from time to time to lead a team or group, he is usually good mannered and sometimes acts like a gentleman to others, while other times he tends to be very feminine and will try to seek for affection in someone he sees viable to form a bond with. He does not however, like to lead, he often tends to find satisfaction in having people close to him give orders or tell him what to do, oddly enough, the less freedom he has both physically and figuratively he has, the more he hets aroused.


He tends to talk with his arms close to his torso, looking at the floor and not daring to make eye contact with the person he is talking to, even when he gains eventual confidence, he would try to keep himself with a pinch of a shy attitude, often rubbing softly his arm with his other hand.

Hobbies & Pets

When on his free time, he enjoys reading, learning and working on photography, playing Basketball, Volleyball, Golf and cross dressing.


Baritone voice, he has a Slavic/Russian accent, not to strong thought and when saying good bye he always says " Adieu ! " in the sweetest and softest voice he can pull off.


Anthony Sigulda

Couple. (Vital)

Towards Spirit Malloye / Jessica Hurler



Spirit Malloye / Jessica Hurler

Couple. (Vital)

Towards Anthony Sigulda




In one of his missions with the SF7, Anthony got shipwrecked and disappeared for quite some time, he was believed to be dead when in reality he was rescued by Spirit, who found him unconscious and heavily injured on the shore of a beach in a small island in the south of Scuila, she was there in voluntary isolation, wanting to stay away from civilization for some time, having scheduled a pickup for around four months after the day she found Anthony.   Spirit decided to not kill him to feed herself after noticing an strange sense of familiarity, having peeked her curiosity, she decided to take care of him. Anthony was scared of her the first days, being injured and unable to escape the island forced him to submit to whatever it was that she wanted to do with him, luckily, the only thing Spirit wanted was to genuinely take care of her out of the strange familiar sensation she had towards him. After a while Anthony´s invader Specter "Dolfus" Took control after identifying Spirit, recognizing her as someone he used to love when he was alive for the first time, Dolfus violently took Anthony´s body and reached out to her, letting her know that he was actually Cornelius Sion, the man that had originally turned her into a Vampire and the one that died in front of her. Much to his surprise, Spirit was not that pleased to encounter him again, now knowing that he had used enchantments to manipulate her into liking him back in the day, she blamed him for all the time she had to suffer while being imprisoned by her own sister and then running away with her new born child from town to town seeking refugee and trying to survive, all while avoiding exposure to the sun. Nevertheless, she was able to forgive him for all of that, based on the fact that she wouldn´t have been able to become the person she is now if he never had turned her into a Vampire.   After that, she used a spell to enhance Anthony´s mental defense against him, stating that he should let Anthony have his own life and interfere as little as possible, claiming that he had already died and was just being selfish by trying to take over his current host.   When Anthony took control again, Spirit explained him her past with Dolfus before breaking down into tears, claiming to not having been able to love anyone since then, feeling that she had never felt really happy or satisfied since she became a Vampire, confessing to Anthony her desire to die as well as her fear of death that kept her from seeking death, letting him know about her desperate attempts to find someone or something that would satisfy her, telling him about how she likes to stay away from civilization sometimes to take time to reflect upon her life.   Anthony responded by offering his help, confessing that he suffers from loneliness despite being surrounded by people all the time, knowing that he will never feel comfortable or secure around them, much less having to put his life on line for reasons he doesn´t really care about, he told Spirit that she was the first person in a long time with which he feels safe with, a companion that will not bash him for every mistake he makes.   As the days went by, they began to share stories with each other, after the first two weeks they already knew each other at a personal level, Spirit felt sorry for Anthony after learning the situation with his parents, while he felt the need to cheer someone as unhappy as her.   First month has passed, Anthony completely recovers from his injuries and instead of trying to go out of the island, he decides to stay there with her, while Spirit secretly calls over to the people that were supposed to pick her up and tells them to come a few weeks later, making their time on the island around 5 months long.   Second month, cold nights with heavy rain, they decide to sleep together for the first time because of the strong and cold breezes falling over the island, Spirit begins to have problems to control her blood lust, seeing Anthony defenseless while sleeping and being so close to his neck makes her want to bite him. Sooner than expected, they get intimate, Spirit carries a lockable muzzle in one of her drones in case the blood lust gets out of control, she kept it on for the following nights to keep herself from biting Anthony during the act, although they do become a bit savage during that time, it was pretty normal for them to wake up covered in blood from scratches, as well as some deep claw marks on the walls of the small cave they were sleeping in.   Third month, they have had little to no arguments with each other, Anthony is really submissive and will do as Spirit says without even questioning it, she has been teaching him a bit about magic and physics in the afternoons after gathering food from the fishes that come across the shore, they have built water filters and wells to collect underground water, they even built a tree house that quickly expanded to ground level and was even equipped with a basement in which they built a small pool in, and everything made out of materials they found on the wild, bamboo sticks, stones, wood, among others. Overall, their days consist in building stuff, gathering resources and teaching each other many theoretical and practical skills the other might not know of, their nights however are still a bit savage, Spirit gave Anthony the key to her muzzle and refuses to take it off until they leave the island, claiming that she does not want him to become a Vampire, although she has been having doubts about doing so, she ultimately decided to not do it, knowing how people like Dakota would begin to treat him after turning into one.   Fourth month, more or less more of the same, Anthony likes to be obedient, asking to be tied and immobilized before going to sleep, at the same time, Spirit feels an enormous satisfaction by establishing her dominance over him. Sometimes Dolfus takes over, but during their time on the island, Spirit made sure to keep him from taking control as much as possible, wanting to spend more time with Anthony, although she would speak with Dolfus sometimes, catching up and discussing a bit about their past. Fifth month, Anthony doesn´t seem to care about the pick up not arriving, at this point he has learned a lot from his companion while also enjoying some time in the little world they created on that island. Some weeks latter, the pick up arrives, Spirit tells him that she needs to go back and keep looking after her company, she knows that the Vanguard Patrol might need her for something important. Anthony does not want to leave and asks for more time, he doesn´t want to go back to his old life, he even asks to be left on the island and wait for her to return, this comes as a shock to Spirit, who despite understanding his reasoning, convinces him to go back, promising him that it will not be the last time they encounter with each other and that they will return to the island someday. After a long ride on an helicopter and a sad goodbye, they part ways, she goes back to Sion Tech and the Vanguard Patrol, while he returns to his old team.

Nicknames & Petnames

Spirit calls Anthony "Plushie" while he just calls her by her normal name.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They are opposite personalities that kind of complement each other, Anthony is shy, timid and docile while Spirit is direct, secure of herself and has quite a dominating personality, they share a feeling of loneliness that they were able to put away when getting to know each other, he sees her as someone he needs to cheer up and motivate while she sees him as a soft marshmallow that needs to be taken care of, wanting to keep him safe at all times.   Anthony´s submissiveness led to them having little to no arguments during their time together, as he did not had a problem admitting mistakes and never refused to do anything she told him to.

Shared Secrets

They both know everything about each other at a personal level, they have seen the naked souls of each other and share a special bond that allows them to feel what the other is feeling as well as being able to communicate almost telepathically, knowing well when the other is feeling down or in need of the other.

Shared Acquaintances

Spirit eventually introduced Anthony to Kotkas Skrastiņš and the other members of the Vanguard Patrol, and at the same time, he introduced her to his old team.

Wealth & Financial state

He managed to save a lot of money he made with the SF7 and even if he is not exactly wealthy, he has a lot of money, more than what he really needs.
Year of Birth
1976 SG 34 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Unwanted child, result of an affair.
Country of Rigantia, in an unknown city.
Current Residence
Light green
Gray and short, it descends from the back of his head to the back above the spine all the way down to his coccyx, merging with his tail.
73 inches / 1,84 M

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