Journey's End Building / Landmark in Dessend | World Anvil
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Journey's End

Purpose / Function

The Journey's End Tavern is a popular rest stop for adventurers passing through the Legion of Valorhall. It serves as a meeting point for parties as they receive their assignments, and as a place to gather and divide their loot after a hard-fought adventure. The tavern is also frequented by non-adventurers who come for food, drink, and to hear the Valorhearts' tales of adventure.


At some point in the past, the Journey's End Tavern provided lodging for the adventurers, but now they are housed within the walls of Valorhall. As a result, the tavern's master has removed the walls on the second floor to create an open seating area with a view of the bar below. The bar was originally designed to accommodate halflings and other small patrons, but it was later replaced with a larger one for human-sized customers. The original bar still remains and is now used as a platform for the Halfling bartenders to work from.


The tavern's construction is unique compared to most of the newer buildings in town, as it was built in a more traditional style. Its walls are made of cobblestone laid on a wooden foundation, while the high-angled roof is thatched.   The interior of the tavern has decorative brocades and wainscoting to cover the cobblestone walls. The tables are arranged in clusters of four and are of human size, with a cross-shaped riser stretching between them. This platform is used by the Halfling waitstaff to easily access the tops of the tables.


The Journey's End tavern has a long history dating back to the early days of Little Oak Harbor. It was originally established as a place for the town's laborers to eat and drink. However, as the town grew and the demand for adventurers increased, the tavern was converted into an inn to accommodate them. It was during this period that it gained its name, Journey's End. However, with the establishment of the Legion and the construction of Valorhall, the inn was restructured back into a tavern. Despite these changes, the tavern has remained a staple of the town's culture and a hub for adventurers and locals alike.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location


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