Alseid Species in Dessend | World Anvil
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Alseid (AL-see-id)

Basic Information


The Alseids are a type of fey that have a combination of characteristics found in both elves and deer. Their upper bodies are humanoid, with slender frames, pointed ears, and graceful proportions. Their hair comes in every color of the rainbow, while their skin is earth tones ranging from porcelain to russet. The lower half of their body resembles that of a deer, with four slender legs and a fawn-like coat. Their eyes are large and bright, reflecting the colors of the forest, and some bear shaped antlers. The meeting point of their two forms, where the deer's neck and the elf's hips would be, is a seamless integration of two different creatures, giving the Alseids an otherworldly and magical appearance.

Genetics and Reproduction

The reproductive abilities of Alseids, like other fey, allow them to mate with members of any race. Yet, their offspring are always born of the same race as the mother. A pregnant Alseid does not appear burdened by her condition, and will carry her child for about seven months before giving birth.

Ecology and Habitats

Alseids live in small enclaves wherever there is dense tree cover, with the appearance of their skin tone and the deer species they resemble varying depending on the environment. Alseids living in colder regions usually have lighter skin and resemble reindeer, while those living in warmer climates have russet skin and resemble sambars. Alseids in temperate regions often have olive skin and resemble white-tailed deer.


Sometimes referred to as "tree shepherds," Alseids are often found in the forests, where they have a deep connection to the trees and other plants. They are gentle and nurturing creatures who spend much of their time caring for and nurturing the natural world around them. They are also very attuned to the natural rhythms of the forest and have a deep understanding of the cycles of life and death. Alseids are peaceful and non-aggressive, but will defend their forest home and the creatures that inhabit it from any threat. They are spiritual and have a strong sense of community, often living in tight-knit groups and valuing cooperation and harmony above all else.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Alseids have adapted to seeing by moonlight. They can see some distance in low light, but they cannot see in total darkness.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Alseids consider the Culatan, Elves, and Fera to be their kindred spirits, united in their reverence for nature and dedication to its care. But, they are often wary of Dwarves, Humans, and Halflings, who are seen as unpredictable in their dealings with the natural world. As a result, Alseids tend to be suspicious of these races at first, as they are as likely to nurture a grove of trees as tear it down.


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