Human Species in Dessend | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Humans are known for their remarkable variety of physical appearance, unlike many other races in the world. They come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors, with appearances that can vary greatly even within distinct regional groups. Other characteristics, such as bone structure, hair texture and color, eye color, and facial features, also vary greatly from place to place. For example, humans may have high or broad cheekbones, aquiline or flat noses, and full or thin lips; their eyes may be deep-set or have full epicanthic folds; and their appearance can often indicate their familial, tribal, or national background. Human height can range from about 3 to 9 feet, with an average height of just under 6 feet for males and a few inches shorter for females. Human body shapes can range from egg-shaped to branch-like, and from muscular to flabby.   Human skin color can range from the darkest obsidian to the lightest fallen snow, with eyes that can range from coal black or light gray to various shades of blue, green, or brown, as well as gold and even pale pink or bright red in individuals with albinism. The color of human hair can vary from pure white to deep midnight, with rich blacks and browns being the most common, but also fiery reds and shimmering blondes in many races. Because of these variations, there are wide disparities in human standards of beauty, and what is considered attractive in one culture may be considered unattractive in another.

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans have a relatively low level of physical resilience compared to many other humanoid races, making them susceptible to life-threatening illnesses, even from a simple cold. In addition to health issues, factors such as war, famine, and accidents can also shorten the lifespan of humans. With proper care, luck, and a healthy lifestyle, a human can live up to about 100 years, although this is a rare occurrence. On average, a human farmer can expect to live up to 60 years, while a city dweller with access to sanitation and health care can expect to live about 80 years. However, a hunter living in a wilderness or war-torn region may only live to an average of 45-50 years.   Adulthood is when humans reach their peak physical strength. As they enter middle age, they may experience a decline in physical strength and speed, but their mental acuity and emotional resilience continue to grow. People begin to show signs of aging, such as graying or thinning hair, wrinkles due to decreased skin elasticity, and slower recovery from illness or injury.   Around the age of 50, people enter old age. Their hair typically turns gray or white, and age-related diseases such as arthritis and gout become more common. While some people remain active and healthy well into old age, others may experience frailty and a decline in cognitive function, leading to senility. Eventually, they may pass away, slipping into the fog of memory and eventually being consumed by forgetfulness.

Ecology and Habitats

Humans are a versatile species that can be found in different regions of the world and have even explored other planes of existence. While some believe that humans are aided by more experienced races, humans have an innate drive to understand and control the world around them. They are resourceful, often creating tools and studying other races and magic to overcome obstacles. Once humans set their sights on a goal, they are determined and persistent, and success is often inevitable when enough humans work together. Humans have a reputation for being dominant, which may be due in part to their fertility. Humans reproduce quickly and can overwhelm opponents with their numbers. While some believe that the gods favor humans, the evidence is inconclusive, and their success may simply be a result of their resilience and ability to adapt.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are able to eat a wide variety of foods due to their omnivorous nature. Their ability to cook and prepare food in sophisticated ways is attributed in part to their use of fire. Humans can be subsistence hunters, foraging for anything that can be considered edible, or they can be royalty, dining on exotic delicacies. Although they can consume almost any kind of meat, including their own, cannibalism is considered one of the highest taboos in their society. Some humans actively seek out the most unusual and rare foods, valuing them not only for their taste but also for the status that comes with eating them. For example, prepared dragon meat, roc eggs, and meals made from rare and dangerous creatures are highly sought after by certain individuals. However, opinions on meat consumption vary widely within human cultures. Some sects consider the consumption of animal products unclean and limit themselves to a vegetarian diet of nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Others go a step further and abstain from eating or wearing any food or clothing that has resulted from the suffering or labor of an animal.


Humans have a deep-seated survival instinct that drives them to seek permanence in their ever-changing lives. They are inherently insecure and competitive, with a strong drive to thrive and succeed. Despite claiming to seek a comfortable life, most humans remain unsatisfied and are driven to pursue new experiences and challenges. Humans have a desire to live life to the fullest, often breaking free from societal norms and pushing themselves beyond their limits. When they stop challenging themselves, they may begin to lose their zest for life.   The reasons people choose to embark on adventures are as varied as the people themselves. Some do it for the sake of fame and glory, while others seek revenge against those who have harmed their loved ones. Some are driven by visions or divine prophecies, while others are motivated by the prospect of material gain. Some seek to establish their own kingdoms, while others seek to dismantle existing ones. There are those who venture out of necessity to support themselves and their families, and those who seek to eradicate evil or promote it. Some are driven by a desire for knowledge, either of the world or of a more spiritual nature, while others simply follow the expectations of their society to prove themselves worthy members of their community before reaching adulthood.   Attitudes toward adventurers vary from culture to culture. Some cultures discourage adventure and expect their children to stay at home in safety, while others take on the responsibility of maintaining civilization. These cultures may view adventurers as untrustworthy and dangerous freelancers who may not act in the best interest of the community. Others view adventure as a necessary but unpleasant part of life. Finally, some ruggedly individualistic societies view adventurers as trailblazers who forge their own paths to greatness. No two cultures have the same attitude toward adventurers.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Human senses may not be as keen as those of some other races, but they have the ability to adapt and learn. Compared to beasts, humans have duller senses of sight and hearing, and their modern way of life can distance them from nature, causing them to miss out on certain insights. However, with training and experience, humans can learn to adapt to their environment. For example, prolonged exposure to a rainforest may allow humans to distinguish between different shades of green, or to identify specific sounds among the general noise of the forest. This adaptability allows humans to quickly understand and thrive in a wide variety of environments, a skill unmatched by most other races. While some races may excel in certain biomes, humans can adapt and meet new challenges with agility and resourcefulness.
60 to 80 years
Average Height
135 cm to 200 cm
Average Weight
40 kg to 100 kg


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