Royal and Noble Attendants of the Southern Star

Royal and Noble Attendants of the Southern Star are the maids and attendants of the Royal Family of the Kingdom of Sudland. They serve the royal family in all capacities, as maids, servants, cooks, seamstresses, groundskeepers, construction workers, and so on. They are expected to be highly skilled and competent, loyal, incorruptible, and diligent. Some are former members of the The Royal Escorts of the Southern Star that chose to join the Attendants after failing the martial arts examinations or being deemed unsuitable as an Escort in some other way. As the leader of the royal household, Queen Tatsu Tachibana Larssen is their titular head, but the Chief Maid and Chief Steward are the day-to-day, active leaders of the Attendants, handling personnel decisions, scheduling, and discipline.
Civil Services

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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