Saxoni Ethnicity in Deia | World Anvil


"During the Age of War, within a hundred years of the founding of Rhumna, there awoke the Saxoni, in the lands of Södhland, nigh to the borders of Nix. That Daemon did try to tame these proud warriors, but they revolted, and gave their loyalty to Rhumnaria in the final battles of the Torn'Barath." ~The Account of Men

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Heidi, Vikti, Fronde, Hëlde, Auguste, Oktawe, Julie, Tulie

Masculine names

Frederick, Brandt, Julius, Augustus, Holdt, Mark, Erik, Frank

Family names

Sack, Mjolig, Fischer, Dekker, Gartner, Stehler


Major language groups and dialects

The language of the Saxoni is simply called Saxon, but is largely grouped into three dominant dialects, which are Nördhic, Södhlic, and Lachlic.

Average technological level

Late Medieval/Early Renaissance (by our reckoning)

Common Dress code

Saxons tend to dress for occasions. The average Saxon has clothes for work, clothes for home, clothes for war, and clothes for family gatherings and special events like holidays.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The Saxons of Saxonia (in their tongue, Lachland) observe the Ecclesia Luminis Dei, the Church founded by the Rhumni during the Age of War. As soon as possible, an infant is brought before the Ecclesian clergy and washed with blessed waters in a grand ceremony before the typical service, washing away and granting protection from evil and bringing the newborn into the community. The Södhlanders and Nördhlanders have their own traditions, and generally do not partake in baptismal rites of this sort.

Common Taboos

Cannibalism, laziness, wife beating


Beauty Ideals

Saxons have a great love of open landscapes, but often prefer the work of their own hands. This has led to the Saxoni being a highly industrious people as a whole, making some of the most internally unique pieces of artwork and architecture, which is often due to the internal tribal divisions between the Saxoni themselves.

Gender Ideals

Men are expected to perform great deeds and live up to their forefathers. Since few can truly amount to what their ancestors did during the Torn'Barath, they settle for perfecting their own crafts and passing it on to their sons. To compliment this, the Saxon women have taken on the burden of keeping their men from working themselves to exhaustion and early death, comforting them when they grow weary, and demanding them to get some rest. Thus, a good man is one who wants to work himself to death, while a good woman is one who prevents him from doing so.

Courtship Ideals

Men are generally expected to court after women, but many are too preoccupied to do so. Thus, it is when the men are not consumed by work that the women often approach them to draw their attention. At this point, a man might take notice, and actually devote time to courtship.

Relationship Ideals

As said previously, Saxon men work themselves to death. In an ideal relationship, the wife will not prevent him from work, but she will do everything she can to prevent him from being consumed entirely by his labor. Often, this involves keeping the home neat and orderly so that her husband does not decide to make it his job to clean the entire thing himself. If all goes well, the man will do his work well and hard, providing his wife with a good life, while the woman gives the man solace from his work, and helps him forget his labors for a time.

Major organizations

The Empire of Saxonia (der Saxreich), Nördhland, Södhland, Lachland, Östland (Mërian state), and Neuenland (Mërian state)
Diverged ethnicities
Encompassed species
Related Myths


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