Farador Twalk Character in Defilar | World Anvil
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Farador Twalk

“Honesty is the single most valuable trait in any given individual. No other virtue can be so readily relied upon—niceness exists only to appeal, strength can be twisted and abused, but honesty can be relied upon no matter the situation.”
-Farador Twalk
Once set to be a scholar, Farador currently serves as the apprentice to merchant Hinez Quartz. He’s a reliable worker for the tradesman, though he hopes to perform a more meaningful job in the future. What job that will be, though, is known not even to him, as he’s not exactly the most decisive young man.  

The Twalk Family Library

Like his younger sisters, Yulisis and Ocea Twalk, Farador grew up in the Twalk family library. Unlike Yulisis and Ocea, though, Farador was unsure whether or not he wished to remain in the library his whole life. As he grew, the weight of deciding what to do in life started to crash down on him more and more. Unable to decide, life decided for him. On Tel 16th, 351 TA, the library caught fire in the middle of the night. Farador grabbed his then-sleeping father and youngest sister and brought them safely outside of the building. He then went back inside to rescue his mother from the flames, who had collapsed from inhaling too much smoke. Though his entire family was safe, the library was burned to the ground, ruining any chance Farador had at being a librarian.   Watching as Ocea became a navy officer, and as Yulisis disappeared, Farador set out to earn gallions to care for his mother, who had gained a chronic cough ever since the fire. He had no ulterior motive, unlike Ocea, who primarily joined the navy in search of forbidden eldritch knowledge. However, Farador had no desire to join the navy, and given his lack of occupational skill, it was difficult for him to find work of any caliber. For nearly a month he searched, before eventually being taken in by Pompus Airiday. Given Airiday's erratic and suspicious personality however, it was difficult for Farador to get into any meaningful position with the man.

“Pompus is a strange man. He believes anyone and everyone is lying to his face at all times, and requires evidence to even believe you've performed the most menial of tasks. I say the items are sorted, and he opens and checks every single box just to be sure. Either he's had some bad experiences, or this man is beyond paranoid.”

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sporting a broad build with lean limbs, Farador’s body has grown used to moderate labor. His job as an apprentice to Hinez has required him to lift and carry numerous heavy loads throughout the day. Thus, he has built up considerable strength and stamina despite his background as a librarian.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

“Ask him anything, and he’ll give you his honest, unfiltered opinion on it. He’ll sometimes state what he thinks when he really shouldn’t… I’ve had to keep him away from certain individuals in the past…”
-Ocea Twalk, Farador’s Younger Sister
Farador, true to his reputation, is honest to a fault. He spares no feelings, nor does he mind stepping on anyone’s toes—including those of his friends or family. As one can imagine, this has gotten him into trouble before, though he has never stopped doing it.

Culture: Farath

The Twalk family consists primarily of historians, librarians, and scholarly researchers. They hold a stable, favorable reputation among most in the Fortania Trade hub.   Farador, though, was always a bit of an outcast among his relatives. His lack of direction and brutal honesty resulted in many holding him in low regard.
Date of Birth
Dylist 5th, 328 TA
Year of Birth
328 TA 24 Years old
Light Brown
Black-brown, fluffy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
157 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases

“Nobody will buy that. Maybe if you respected our customers half as much as you wanted gold, we’d have more.   … and that’s what I said to my previous employer. It was the truth, but I don’t think he took it too well.”


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