Hill Dwarf Ethnicity in Deadmouth Island | World Anvil
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Hill Dwarf

Dwarven Traditionalists

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Náinmatol, Gorgar, Thatad, Raburran, Do'dal, Mêrom, Skorrin, Grakora, Athithu, Ralnáin, Knútduha, Thainkondin, Maz'gen, Ástgardrahjal, Lindranhrím, Nurthaulakthe, Bur-ai, Sofurruk, Migimia, Vann'thi

Masculine names

Vannne, Drinthu, Thaumarg, Zâdmaz, Zâdli, Drinmus, Bamus, Maedas, Do, Do-gor, Badril, Ayur, Dornbab, Liin, Tolkhar, Sorin, Rangru, Ramê, Rindrin, Globrann

Unisex names

In'ni, Ror'si, Runhardu, Thic'ror, Drofarba, Hlifkonum, Rukmoskor, Thrilbarnur, Murgimyur

Family names

Tol'geirthic, Bul-githril, Beldrinso, Ogarordwa, Duduhanne, Dwaglo-tyb, Gim'gnauruk, Drintolthormod, Rargdovarghof, Linkhabulim, Thudfuridro, Ginirinrun, Dur-hagnau, Ai-linthor, Barthralsandan, Khadrorngrui, Belbul'hof, Todasargsan, Gasgim'a, Ral-lin

Other names

Vargbrannbasimur, Gun'dori, Far'khaztha, Dalhu'grak, Danihandi, Thabadidran, Mi-thoin, Burdrathainror, Zag'nurbi


Major language groups and dialects

Dwarvish, Common

Culture and cultural heritage

Early on in the first attempts to colonize Deadmouth Island, a group of the colonists broke away from the settlement of Gun Darim and disappeared off into Deadmouth Island. A century later, or thereabouts, these dwarves emerged from the Lifeless Hills having devolved, as their now more progressive cousins would hold, into the past traditions of the patriarchal dwarven society from which the colonists had strived to depart. In the two centuries since, these traditionalist groups have splintered further through perceived slights and insults into a series of nomadic small clans who stick to the hills of Deadmouth Island as their territories. The hill dwarves and Deadmouth dwarves have settled at the opposite ends of a shared cultural heritage and their relationship tends to be acrimonious as the result of the more traditionalist hill dwarves frowning on their progressive cousins and vice versa. Hill dwarves don't understand why Deadmouth dwarves can't live like dwarves should, but instead have more equality between the sexes, acceptance of other races and other concepts that are frightening to their traditional dwarven identity.

Shared customary codes and values

Hill dwarves put a premium on hard work and family. Serious insults to a clan mate or family membercan lead to generations of grudges, suspicion and violence. Grudges are a common value that hill dwarves share. Insults from clans will be answered by clan feuds. As a rule, insults and slights will be answered in kind. The lengths and energy put into grudges is seen as a key to demonstrating how much a hill dwarf cares for their clan and kin.

Common Etiquette rules

To offer creative insult a hill dwarf is to respect a hill dwarf. Ignoring a hill dwarf is the worst disrespect a hill dwarf can socially endure and while insults can end with a friendly brawl, disrespect often ends in blood.

Common Dress code

Hill dwarves are known for their sturdy character so it is no surprise that there attire matches. Very little decoration goes into their daily wear. However, their formal clothes are made to show wealth and their skill at crafting is. Formal occasions will mean finely crafted and ornate armor. This too represents their worth not only in gold but in contribution to their clan. Symbols or insignia of clans are shown with pride in every outfit whether it's a simple beard clip or a carving on the entire front of a chest piece.

Art & Architecture

Hill dwarves work in steel and stone as their base materials, but rarely will anything hill dwarves make not include a rare gem or a hard to fashion metal. It is a point of pride to the hill dwarves that whatever they make is at the pinnacle of their current skill. Arts to the hill dwarves are a well-crafted axe or perfectly faceted jewel. Hill dwarvf architecture features intricate runic carvings and grandiosity of structure. Typical hill dwarf buildings include a large cavernous hall for functions, but personal chambers are small in comparison. ny building that is not residential likely has a hall for at least one function.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Hill dwarven women do not wear beards, but while their daughter is being courted, their mothers are required to wear fake beards. These are usually made from their husband’s beard hair. You cannot get a hill dwarf to pay the regular price. They always insist on paying more as a sign of pride. A hill dwarf will not, however, give you even the smallest discount. Hill dwarf drinking contests are not to see who can drink the most before passing out but to see who can lift the heaviest object after an equal amount of drink.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Children born in hill dwarf clans are seen as the greatest gift to the clan. New children are always presented by the parents to the patriarch of the clan for a blessing.

Coming of Age Rites

At 30 years old a hill dwarf is expected to be full-grown, out of the house and gainfully employed. Clans deal with coming-of-age differently but a common thread is to present either a kill or an item to the patriarch. Afterwards, a ceremonial feast is thrown in the adults honor and it is their duty to never have an empty cup and to get into at least one brawl.

Funerary and Memorial customs

When a hill dwarf nears his end is family prepares a last resting place. This grave comes in the form of a cairn with one of the rocks carrying the clan symbol. Underneath the effigy is a spot for the dwarf's burial where their remains will be placed within an effigy casket and a special liquid stone and steel poured over them. After the burial a clan feast is thrown in the to celebrate dwarf's life.

Common Taboos

The beard is sacred to a hill dwarf and a symbol of their virility and age. A clean-shaven hill dwarf usually indicates an adolescent hill dwarf, as the length of a beard would also be an indicator of age. To cut a hill dwarvf's beard is an act of humiliation. If an adult hill dwarf's beard is cut it is because he has broken faith and committed a crime equal to banishment. Being outcast from a clan and beardless does not mean you're outcast from hill dwarven societies forever. It is not illegal to deal with the beardless and outcasts however it is most definitely not what someone does in civil company.


Beauty Ideals

Hill dwarves are often viewed as short and uncouth brutes, but that is a false impression. Hill dwarves are usually around 4 1/2 to 5 feet tall and thicker than other races but these features are still within a pleasant proportion by even the standards of other races. A well-built body and a well-groomed beard are traditionally considered attractive to female hill dwarves. Current fashion among the women is to be clean shaven, although female hill dwarves are often capable of growing fine beards. A prominent bosom and shapely hips are physically appealing to hill dwarfs.

Gender Ideals

Gender roles among hill dwarves are more restrictive than some other races and only in exceptional individuals do these lines get crossed. In contrast to Deadmouth dwarves, hill dwarves are firmly patriarchal. Men are expected to perform certain duties in their life. Fight, craft, contribute to the clan and bear a grudge. Women on the other hand follow their own paths. They're expected to do certain things like have a vocation such as a gold speaker or smith. Women must contribute to the clan, keep the home, bear children and harass their spouse to do everything they ask.

Courtship Ideals

Relationships can be initiated by either gender however, generally males publicly declare their intent. Women issue intent to a man by berating them in public. If a dwarf man accepts, this continues with courting. The next step is to declare intent to the clan leader and present an argument for their union. Permissions is granted for the good of the clan and with the intended's permission. After permission from the clan's head is given the male starts to try to win the females attention through gifts and dialogue. The ability to trade public insults is a major attraction to the opposite gender. Whether it is with the intended or to a friend or foe courtship is completed when both parties come to an understanding and the blessing is given by the female's next of kin.

Relationship Ideals

Hill dwarves and relationships are for life. If a hill dwarf is to join with a spouse it is expected that they stay with that spouse for the rest of his or her life. Thus relationships are no entered into lightly as hill dwarves are long lived. Successful relationships among hill dwarves rely on several aspects, full vaults, a successful vocation, a supportive clan and a spouse who insults you at least three times a day.
  Hill Dwarf Patriarch


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