High Elf Ethnicity in Deadmouth Island | World Anvil
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High Elf

The Epitomy of Unearthly Beauty

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Gylwena, Olbis, Vanairra, Qilyn, Nairaste, Ulxana, Urameiv, Urasanna, Brineth, Ricelle

Masculine names

Uririan, Riardarai, Yordartis, Narkfros, Dayeratra, Paezion, Otirthas, Fylazion, Lichorn, Riarfis

Unisex names

Thewarin, Virro, Fennelis, Yelgolor, Miradithas, Keyrona, Orikrana, Iarnala, Iarleth, Liasys

Family names

Enberos, Shajeon, Carzorwyn, Eldithas, Shaberos, Miazeiros, Chaekian, Xiltumal, Virgwyn, Datris


Major language groups and dialects

Elvish and Common are widely spoken, and more ancient tongues are valued such as Draconic and Celestial. Among themselves, High elves speak Sylvan and they will offer a renewed respect to any non-high elf that can master the difficult tongue.

Culture and cultural heritage

High elves are raised from birth to see themselves as just barely below the level of the gods themselves.  They are arrogant (often not without reason) and superior, but also quick to recognize laudable traits in others.

Shared customary codes and values

Hard work and industriousness are at the core of high elf society. Though often appearing dour to outsiders, they also take great joy in life, finding humor in the smallest thing, however they keep their emotions closed off from non-high elves and put up a stoic front until accepting a non-high elf as a companion.

Common Etiquette rules

Initial greetings are formal and follow a set protocol of greeting the eldest or most important person first. A handshake, with a welcoming smile, is the standard greeting. Use honorific titles and the person's surname until you are invited to use their first name. If invited to a High Elf home bring sweets or flowers to the host. Gifts are not opened when received. It is best to arrive 15 to 30 minutes later than invited for a large party. Dress well. Appearances matter and you will be judged on how you dress. Wait to be asked several times before moving into the dining room or helping yourself to food. Do not start eating until the host invites you to do so. High elf meals are often served family- style or are buffets where you serve yourself.

Common Dress code

Most High elves dress conservatively, and hold foreigners to an even higher standard. The basic rule is: dress comfortably but decently.

Art & Architecture

High elf houses are built in a more or less similar manner. The houses sit on posts raised above the ground. The rooms are small, and generally, with a single multipurpose room, having only the cooking space differentiated among the areas in the houses. There is a particular architectural piece that is often situated in the rear part of the house, and is utilized for domestic work like washing, bathing, water storage, etc. The houses are made of raw material like wood and bamboo. Tree houses or houses built on trunk of trees rooted to the grounds are seen as an advantageous position. The doors of the houses are usually oriented to the direction where the sun rises and never face towards the west, an architectural tradition whose origins are now lost.   High elf art has a heavy element of calligraphy. Paintings are framed by words in intricate flowing scripts. Pottery is painted with sylvan calligraphy. Even high elf dance features movements based heavily upon the flowing features of Sylvan script.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

When children or young people greet or say goodbye to their elders they typically do so by taking the right hand of the elder with their right hand and touch the back the elder's hand lightly on their forehead. It is a way of giving respect to the elders.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Culturally, birth is quite a public event. There is little privacy and the sights and sounds of birth are common. Mothers often stay with their birthing daughters, and aunts and sisters pitch in to help. The baby becomes a “family baby” who is comfortable with everyone in the extended family.

Funerary and Memorial customs

After the death of a person, a nine-day period of having gifts offered up to the deceased is held. Another period follows after death, the 100-day mourning period. Family members indicate their state of bereavement by wearing a black belt diagonally across the chest. A ceremonial wake is held at the end of this 100-day period. Common belief states that the soul goes to the afterlife after these 100 days, following the belief that the deceased's spirit will guide their loved ones through the mourning period.


Beauty Ideals

High elves are generally viewed, not just by themselves, as the pinnacle of beauty, though an unwordly beauty. Among other high elves, it is the flaws that bring character and enhance beauty. Such flaws might be imperceptible to another species, such as a very slight asymmetricity to the face, or they may be blatant, such a scar earned in battle, but whether the measure of perfection or flawed, the high elves find other species, and even other elves, to fall short of their standards of beauty.

Gender Ideals

High elf societies tend to be meritocracies. The gender of an individual is far less important than their abilities and contribution to society.

Courtship Ideals

The high elf courtship begins with a process of "teasing" whereby friends and family will arrange for a potential couple to spend time together, usually by working on some kind of project or task. During this period, the potential couple will often spend the night together, often only talking. There is no rush into an intimate physical relationship. Once the assigned task is completed, there is mutual agreement to move forward with a relationship or go their separate ways. It can take decades for a blossoming relationship to move forward to the point of marriage.

Relationship Ideals

High elves want their ideal partner to be someone they can enjoy doing things with, and someone who respects their individuality. Honesty is also valued, as are traits that make a person very easy to get along with.
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High Elf Wizard
Encompassed species


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