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Making Mischief to Salve the Lonely

Boggles are the fey creatures that hide under beds and in closets, waiting to frighten children and cause household mischief. A boggle is born from the feelings of an inadvertently   Boggles engage in petty pranks, both for their own amusement and to occupy their hosts' mind and help distract them from their loneliness. They are both highly irritating mischief makers and, at the same time, deeply driven by the purpose of mitigating the isolation of their host. A boggle will break dishes, hide objects, make mysterious noises, or even go so far as to hide a baby or animal in a difficult place to reach (such as a rooftop or in a well). Although a boggle's antics might cause worry and unintentionally harm or even kill, it never intends harm. If threatened, a boggle will run rather than fight.   Boggles emit a slippery, sticky oil which dries and vanishes after an hour. Boggles can teleport short distances to steal out of reach items.   A boggle can make a decent servant or familiar for a those who can control it. Hags sometimes shelter boggles in their lairs. Warlocks have also been known to command boggles. Such boggles should be kept busy, however, as they always finds some way to entertain themselves.


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