Biorniklif Expedition in Deadmouth Island | World Anvil
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Biorniklif Expedition

The Biorniklif Expedition was the first arrival of the "civilized" races on Deadmouth Island, and marked the beginning of the Deadmouth Calendar from the point of the First Landing. Norabruik Biorniklif led an expedition of 300 dwarves to the island, landing in what would become the future site of Highport. Over the next 12 years, the Biorniklif Expedition meticulously mapped out the island seeking for ideal places to stake out as colonies. The number of dwarves slwoly dwindled over that time, being lost to disease, starvation and the dangers of the island. Notably, Norabruik Biorniklif, a devout worshipper of Chysk, in a dire moment, facing starvatino, while exploring the north of the island, constructed an altar to sacrifice to his chosen god in a plea for help. When the blood of the animals he sacrificed touched the soil of the island, an explosion of Wild Magic happened and for the following 10 days a plethora of rodents - rats, groundhogs, squirrels, mice - came flocking to the camp, almost presenting themselves to the dwarves to be eaten. Norabruik took his constructed altar and had his men create a grand altar in honor of Chysk on the site.   The incident renewed the expedition's resolve and they completed the mapping of the island. Of the three hundred dwarves that arrived on the island, less than two dozen departed twelve years later, but it opened the floodgates for other expeditions of dwarves, elves, gnomes and men over the next three centuries.


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