
A senior role within the Camarilla. A Primogen is historically considered a ''first among their Clan,'' their exact duties and powers can vary greatly from domain to domain. In some places they are toothless advisors; lickspittles and yes-men to a Prince who holds absolute power. In others they are the de facto power within the domain, with the Prince merely a figurehead whose strings are pulled this way and that.


A Primogen needs to be able to have, if not the respect, then at least the tolerance of the majority of their clanmates. What that means will vary from Clan to Clan. In most cases, they require age and experience, as well as long years of accrued influence within the Domain where they assume this position.


There is no unified system of appointment for this function. In Denver, there are five seats within the Primogen council. There is no provision for resignation, a Primogen loses the seat only upon torpor or death. Though in principle it would be possible for multiple Primogen to hail from the same Clan, in practise this is unlikely to ever happen.   No Clan trusts the others to such a degree, that they would support a second Primogen from a Clan that already holds a seat.


Primogen are expected to advise the Prince on a multitude of matters. Any matters of disagreement among them are discussed in closed-door meetings. Some Primogen also act as representitives for their clanmates, bringing matters that concern their Clan as a whole before the Prince.


A Primogen enjoys a significant amount of power, being able to exert influence on any decree or policy that is created in the domain. Exactly how much that actually amounts to, depends on the personal power of both Prince and Primogen.
Art by Midjourney