Archons Ethnicity in D&D world | World Anvil
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Archons are lawful good celestials created by Shet. Their appearances vary greatly but all share a passion for righteous justice and championing the cause of good.   Most archons do not directly involve themselves in mortal affairs. Instead they prefer the more indirect approach of encouraging others to make choices in favor of good and to cast off the temptations of evil. Archons only use their might when they are forced to do so against mortal foes.   Adversaries of Tyranny. Archons abhor those with power who oppress others. Though they rarely meddle in the affairs of mortals, archons can be convinced to aid the cause of replacing a corrupt leader with a just one. Archons will not support a cause of violent rebellion as it puts innocent lives at risk. A careful, calculated overthrow of a tyrant without rioting is the only sort they support.
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