Yokai Species in Dawn of Others | World Anvil


The Yokai is a creature spawned more from its exposure to the Dark rather then the Sonohoka Virus. However, the nature and function of Dark is understood poorly and most believe that the Yokai are some how the product of the Sonohoka virus.   They are not a scientific phenomenon. There is no gene modification involved. A Yokai is a mystical creature based on mostly inaccurate Human mythology. They are creatures of the Dark that have been summoned into being from the desires and longings of those who weild the River without discplin. Those who understand the Dark the best, would say that the Yokai are born of dreams through the untamed River.    
They are creatures of magic, bound by a specific set of arbitrary and random rules, which they know to be called a “convention” —a collection of commandments each of them must follow, which define their very existence. These rules are random, from dietary habits to how a Yokai relates to outsiders. No two are alike. They only share one common quality - the ability to shift into animal form.

Basic Information


They present as either being a Human or as being an animal. When in either form, they look completely like that form and as if they belong to it.

Genetics and Reproduction

Nothing is now about their reproductive abilities. However, some Yokai have claimed that they are able to reproduce; that they are compatiable with the form that they are in. There are also Yokai that have claimed that their children are not always Yokai, but have an equal chance of being like the other parent.

Growth Rate & Stages

This is not known. The few Yokai who have been studied or reported on the matter have provided differing information. The current theory is that it depends on the animal being mutated. The Yokai say that is greatly depends on the Conventions one is bound to.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Which form they are in will direct their diet as will their Conventions.


Regardless of which form they are in, they will carry over some of the behaviors of the other form. As an animal, they will seem too smart and often more friendly then other animals of their kind. As a human they might move in manners that reflect their animal form or perhaps make noises.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

They have the same cognitive capacities as a Human.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They learn the language most common to where they are summoned into being by the Dark. But the are created with the knowledge of the Fae language. A language that only the Yokai know. They never teach it to others as it is considered their way to safely know who each other are.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
One has never been known to die.


Author's Notes

Images in side bar from photo stock provided by Adobe Express. Header image created using the Yokai image from the Ultra Modern 5 Redux reference book and background from Adobe Express.

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