Celestial Born Culture Ethnicity in Dawn Lands LARP | World Anvil

Celestial Born Culture

Born with the power of benevolent celestial entities, celestial-born are thought to be supremely blessed with strength of will, extraordinary beauty, and innate magical gifts. They may also be known as Aasimar, Angelic, or Angel-touched. Usually they are found as individuals in various towns and cities, but there are rumors of celestial-born towns and nations in hiding. The birth of a celestial-born is seen as a blessing and is celebrated as a joyous occasion in most parts of the world. The exception to this is in the nation of Tiss, where the celestial-born will be exiled or will undergo a life of attempted corruption and punishment.  

Playing the Celestial Born

Due to their universal adaptability, the celestial-born do not have any restricted classes. The lack of a restricted class is seen as an ability for this culture. In playing this character, you are expected to have some sort of aspect in your costume that would let others know that you are playing a celestial-born. Examples may include a shiny mark on your brow, energy lines, a celestial symbol, or other characteristics.  

Restricted Classes



They usually worship the faith of their local community or family. They are always accepting of other faiths, as long as they do not harm or impose their beliefs on others.  

Special Abilities

Level 1
Immune to Negative Energy: You are immune to Energy Drain and cannot be raised as undead.   Divine Scroll reading: You can use Divine scrolls. If you are a member of a class that can already read Divine scrolls, then you can also read Nature scrolls. If you are a Hedge Witch, you can also read Arcane scrolls.   Plague Immunity: You do not take damage from plague areas.  

Level 3

Holy Blast Spell: This spell is represented by a white spell packet and does 2 points of damage on a hit. You must call out “holy blast” when throwing this spell packet. This spell can be blocked by shields and damage is reduced by APR. This spell deals double damage to undead, devils, and demons. Damage must be called out, including extra damage to undead, devils, and demons if they are the target of the spell. This spell can be cast three times per day (3x/day) and can be renewed.  
Level 6
Holy Aura: Undead creatures may not physically touch you. You become immune to touch attacks, hand held weapons, and ranged weapons of the undead. Special abilities, such as the vampire’s Charm, may still work.  
Level 9
Brilliant Aura: You can no longer be attacked by bow and arrow attacks from farther than five paces away.


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Dec 15, 2023 19:15 by Marc Zipper

Cool idea for the Aasimar

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