Journey to Rivvenastorp Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Journey to Rivvenastorp

The party left Shinkick around noontime and said their goodbyes. It was a three day trip to the nearest train station, and they arrived around noon on the third day.   They took an overnight train to Rivvenastorp, transfering around Mt Waggawagga and set to arrive in the city in the morning. They shared a car, though not a compartment, with some friendly but distant Forged, who were already on the train from earlier on the line.   In Rivvenastorp, they regrouped in a nearby park (entirely purple, labeled Pygmallion's Purple Park), got some brisk but friendly directions to the great library, and made their way there.   The library offered a 1 week access pass to the library, and the librarians were eager to help where they could. The group did some research on their own, in the history section, and took the librarians up on their offer to search for more relevant texts.   They asked the librarians for any texts they had on:
  • The Forgemaster's Tongs
  • The Fire of the Deep
  • Stormwind's Hammer
  • Anvil of the Underdark
  • The Old One's Claw